18 | Clues

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☆Warning, these chapters contain gruesome content and may be uncomfortable for some readers☆

I sincerely apologize for the lack of updates, It's just that we recently had someone quit at my work so I'm working double time! Plus on top of that I've hit a wall and I'm not sure what to write. Again, I deeply apologize!


Silence enveloped the small space you all stood in. You stared down the door to the basement and Lawrence called out to you in attempt to snap you out of your trance, however, you didn't budge. "Y/N," Lawrence then repeated your name in a chilling manner which brought you back to reality, and as you turned to face him, you noticed the others looking at you as well. Zion, Ethan and Lawrence glanced at one another as you seemingly shivered on the spot, everything will be all right.

With a swift shake of your head, you offered the three boys a timid smile before turning back to the door, this time with your hand on the handle. As the knob turned and the door creaked open, you hesitated to look further inside the darkness of the halls before taking a small step inside. "There's a light switch on this wall," you mumbled out as you slid your hand around to find it, and once you did, you let out a noise, kind of like a squeak of relief. The fluorescent lights flickered above you as they turned on, and with the sound of the whirring lights, a slight comfort washed over you now that you were able to see again.

Zion looked around in awe as he stared at the ceiling, he couldn't believe the power still worked, especially in the basement, and as you and the rest of the boys walked through the corridor of closed doors, you couldn't help but feel tense. "Do you remember the room the person was in?" Lawrence whispered out, his eyes shifting back and forth between shut doors. "It was too dark, I can't remember. Eugene and I only found the room because there was a sound coming from it," You explained as you shuffled down the hallway, your hand sliding across the wall beside you. Lawrence nodded his head in understanding at your explanation and Ethan took a glance at you.

He was watching as you nervously twitched at the smallest of noises and grew more worried as he saw you glance around frantically at random sounds. Though Ethan wasn't much for words, he knew he or someone else was going to have to say something to help calm you down, "Y/N, it'll be okay." Even though his words weren't much, you knew that since he was the one saying it, that truly everything was going to be all right. Nodding your head at him, you slightly smiled and relaxed. "Thanks, Ethan," you whispered as he decided to walk by your side down the quiet hallway.

The peace was soon interrupted by a loud bang echoing down the walls, the sound was like metal banging onto the ground in a heavy fit. Your head snapped up in the direction the sound has emitted from and you froze right in place, just what created that noise? Everyone else around was just as tense, their bodies froze right where they were standing and their eyes widened in shock or fear. Swallowing hard, you were the first to press on towards the sound timidly, and though you were scared, you knew you had to figure out just what was going on.

"Ethan, Zion, be ready for anything," Lawrence followed close behind you as you crept closer to the door the sound had came from, and as you brushed your hand against the handle, you tensed and glanced back at Lawrence. He gave you a stiff nod, which you returned, and then opened the door slowly to prevent it from creaking open. As you stared inside the dark room, though the light from the hall illuminated the doorway, it was still almost too dark to see inside. You froze in the doorway as you tried to make things out inside the room, but as you stood there for a moment too long, Lawrence decided to nudge past you and walk into the room. Zion and Ethan followed behind him while you stood and held the door open to allow some light to enter the room, and as the boys scrounged around, you noticed they discovered the light from before now crashed against the ground.

Glancing behind yourself, you decided that it was okay to shut the door and walk inside yourself. "That's the light that was making all that noise from before," you said as you walked over and crouched down beside the now broken light. Looking up, you saw Lawrence standing before you, his eyes looking harsh in the dim lighting, "And you said this is the room the person was in as well?" He questioned you, his eyes almost scrutinizing your smaller figure beneath him. "Uh, yes. They were in that corner behind you," you pushed yourself off of the floor by your knees and stared behind the tall boy, the corner was now void of any life.

"Think they're still around here somewhere or do you think Y/N and Eugene scared them off?" Zion asked as he stood next to Lawrence, and he swung his bat aimlessly by his side as he continued to glance around the room. "No one could be afraid of those two, so I'm assuming they're still around here somewhere," Lawrence said with a shrug as he adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose. "What's that supposed to mean?" You asked with a slight pout, "I'm scary!" You huffed and crossed your arms, you were joking around of crouse, though it was a weak attempt to lighten the mood.

Zion smiled at you while Ethan let out an amused huff from behind you, Lawrence simply smirked and shook his head. You were glad you could see and hear their amusement, something you felt that was lacking for some time now. "We should keep looking around this room and then continue to check the rest, there's gotta be some clues around here," Lawrence used his arms to gesture around the room as he glanced around a bit, you all responded with nods. As you all split up and started to dig around the room, you noted that the room was full of a bunch of short shelves full of random cleaning supplies. Perhaps a janitors closet? You questioned as you dug around on a shelf. Couldn't be, this room is too big.

"Hey guys?" Zion's voice called out in the room, and as you stood up to look at him, you notice the article of clothing he held in his hands. "Are those..?" Lawrence slowly walked over, his hands lightly clasping onto a pair of pants. They were pink, part of a pair. You swallowed hard at the realization, "Those are Scarlett's, aren't they?" You walked over to Zion and Ethan followed behind you, you could feel the tension rising in the air. "Zion, look," you grasped the pair of pants and held the cuff of a pant leg up in the air where everyone could see it. It was dark, stained in something brown and crusty. "Blood," Ethan simply stated from behind you.

You swallowed hard as you held the item in your hands. Scarlett... I know we didn't get along, but please be okay.


I'd like to reiterate the fact that I've been working double time. I don't have as much time as I'd like to work on writing for this book, but I promise you all that I still am working on this, and that I plan to finish it. If any of you have questions, please feel free to ask! I'd like to answer any questions if you feel there is something necessary to talk about. Also, thank you all very much for all the reads and votes, I'm honestly shocked this book has come this far!

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