16 | Saviour

778 46 19

☆Warning, these chapters contain gruesome content and may be uncomfortable for some readers☆

I apologize that the updates are slow, work has been killing me. Thank you for now 800 reads!


Was it a person or a monster? As you stood there, you tried to make out the groans and growls, trying to decipher in your mind if the sounds you were hearing were human or not. Tearing yourself off of Eugene, you pressed forward into the darkness, completely blind and oblivious to what was going to be ahead of you. "Y/N, the hell are you doing?!" Eugene whispered out as quietly as he could, you could feel his hand barely brush against the back of your shirt as he reached out to stop you. Swallowing down a lump forming in your throat, you glanced behind yourself even though you couldn't see Eugene in the dark, "I have to know if that was human or not. I need the truth."

Pressing on into the dark, you could feel Eugene rush up behind you and grasp onto your shoulders for guidance as you used your hands to feel up and down the walls of the basement. Unsure of what was making that sound, your heart thumped heavily against your ribs and adrenaline coursed through your veins as you slowly grew closer and closer to the thing that was making such awful sounds. The groans sounded guttural and deep, like something was in pain or struggling against something, and though it made your skin crawl, the back of your mind kept telling you to press forth. As you reached your destination, the door that had the groans emitting from, you found yourself frozen as you gazed at the door handle in front of you. Should I actually do this, or should Eugene and I turn around? Biting your lip, you reached out a shaky hand and grasped the handle between your fingers.

With a yank, you ripped the door open and shut your eyes tight as you wanted to avoid gazing at whatever was inside, even if it was just for a moment. You felt Eugene's fingers tighten around your shoulder's, his breath hitching in his throat as he must have seen whatever was inside. "Jesus, this is all we were scared of?" He exhaled out, his fingers then loosening and letting go of your shoulder's. He walked past you as you slowly opened your eyes, and as you gazed into the room you felt yourself exhale a breath you didn't even know you were holding in. A fluorescent light hung from the ceiling, one side of it ripped off from the ceiling as it dangled on one thick wire, it was swaying back and forth. As it moved again, a groaning sound emitting from the metal, straining as it twisted.

You watched in confusion.

"This doesn't make sense though," you said as you walked up to the light, your hand slightly brushing against it as it dangled in the air. "Why doesn't it make sense? It's the thing making the sound," Eugene shrugged his shoulders, his eyes finding yours with a pondering look. "Eugene, we're in a basement, there's no way this could sway on its own without wind or... Someone pushing it," as you explained, you suddenly tensed as whipped around to look around the room. Something had moved this and it still had to be inside the room, somewhere where you couldn't see it, "Eugene, stay close, we may need to run." Eugene did as you said and stepped closer to you, his hand once again finding your shoulder for comfort as he, too, glanced around the room apprehensively.

It was silent for just a moment as you and Eugene slowly crept closer to the door to escape whatever may be inside the room, and as you did this, you listening intensely to any little sound that emitted from different corners of the room. You swallowed hard as you felt your hands finally reach the back wall, but as you slid your hand towards the door and its handle, you watched in horror as a shadow suddenly started to stand up from the opposite wall. Is it human? It had to be human, otherwise, the monster would have reacted to people being inside the room earlier, you and Eugene had been talking, and on top of that, the light had made more noise.

Eugene noticed the figure too and tensed, you could feel it in his hands as his hold on your shoulders grew tighter, "Fuck." His breath brushed against the back of your ear as he whispered out, you could tell he was starting to get scared. Finally finding the handle to the door, you slowly turned it and opened the door as slow as you could, your eyes trailed the figure as it seemed to look around in a daze. Perhaps the person isn't dangerous, but you didn't want to risk your life nor Eugene's. Pushing Eugene out of the room first, you quickly followed him as you nearly slammed the door shut in fear as it seemed the figure was slowly turning to face you. "Run!" You gasped out as you grasped Eugene's hand, tugging him back down the hall to the exit.

Panting and sweating, the two of you rammed into the door in an attempt to get the door to open, but it was to no avail as it didn't budge under any kind of attack. Your ears perked as you could hear the door down the hall open with a creak, and you tensed as you didn't want to look at whoever was leaving the room. "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!" You jiggled the handle desperately as the person started to shamble towards the two of you, they still seemed to be in a daze, but as they slowly started to grow closer, it seemed they grew angered upon seeing you. Suddenly reeling back, you rammed into the door with all your might, and you felt yourself remember the first day you came to this school. There's no way I'm giving up here! As you went to charge into the door again, it suddenly flew open and you rammed into someone's chest.

Eugene nearly charged out of the room as well as he rushed outside, but before running up the stairs in fear, he quickly shut the door behind himself and shoved a chair that seemed to be locking the two of you in earlier underneath the handles to keep whoever that was in the basement. "Ethan?" You breathed out as you stared up to the blue-eyed boy who laid underneath you. You had tackled him to the ground due to charging at the door, but it seemed he didn't really mind. "Holy shit, thank you!" As you exclaimed this, you tugged the boy into a tight embrace as you buried your head into his chest.

It took Ethan a moment, but his hand found the small of your back as he lightly patted you to calm you down. Eugene stood off to the side and watched, a slight twitch to his lips as he wanted to frown but he quickly hid it away. "There's someone down there," Eugene said as he tugged up his black face mask, his frown now able to be hidden as he gazed at the basement door. "We need to get the others for this," you said as you pushed yourself off of Ethan and off of the floor. Offering a hand for the tallboy to take, which he did, you exhaled a heavy sigh.

Just who is that down there? How did they get down there? Are they dangerous? Why was the door blocked from the outside? Who locked us in? As your mind rushed many thoughts, you focused your gaze on the door for a moment. Then, you turned around and started to head up the stairs, the two boys following close behind.

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