21 | Discomfort

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☆Warning, these chapters contain gruesome content and may be uncomfortable for some readers☆

How is the new cover?


You stood in front of the door to the room you had previously been in, and with much hesitation, you managed to budge it open. Taking a few steps inside, you flinched from a metallic sent that seemed to waft through the air around you, something you felt wasn't so unfamiliar to you. Blood, you had come to the conclusion, I'm smelling blood. As you approached the spot where the scent was the strongest, you clutched onto your stomach in hope that whatever you were about to see wouldn't make you feel sick. Of course, that was impossible.

On the ground was the man from before, the crazy guy that claimed he knew about Scarlett, but he wasn't moving. He laid still on the ground, his head slanted off to the side, and his palms open and facing the ceiling. There was a large wound gaping from his head and blood was dripping and slipping out of it, you could tell the man was dead. Stumbling backwards, you found that your back met with a closet like compartment behind you, and once you turned around to face it, something came toppling out of it. It nearly fell on you, but thankfully you moved quickly out of the way to avoid it, but once your eyes focused, your realized it wasn't a thing.

"Oh, God," you covered your mouth as you held back a yell, "Scarlett." Her body had been crudely stuffed into that closet but now she lays on the floor in front of you, her body obviously cold and dead. Shaking your head, you had decided you had seen enough and rushed out of the room, all the way back up the stairs to your room. Upon reaching it, you threw your door open and shut it quickly behind you, you wanted nothing more than to get those images of those bodies out of your head. Your breath started to grow shaken and uneven and it started to hurt to breathe, and as you shut your eyes, you couldn't forget the images of the basement room.

When had you become so weak? A voice questioned in your head. When you were on your own, things like this wouldn't have fazed you. Maybe it was because you knew her? Or perhaps it was because you've grown so reliant on the others? Deciding to push the negative thoughts away and block the images that kept repeating, you shook your head and took a seat at the windowsill in your room. Leaning your head against the glass, you stared into the darkness of night as you then thought of something else.

Lawrence had killed that man, cold-blooded. He had beaten him to death, which the more you think about it, it was well deserved. However, why did it have to be Lawrence? Why couldn't the man have died to one of those monsters? Just, why? Letting out a heavy sigh, you curled your legs up towards yourself and continued to lean completely against the window. This night was a total mess and everything about it felt wrong. Nothing was settling right in your brain and you wanted nothing else but to forget what had happened.

I miss my mom, you thought suddenly, my family. You thought of the times when you had family dinners, of when you were a child running around parks, you even thought of the time you attempted to run away from home. It was over a silly arguement, you had been so young, and now you couldn't help but want to have those same dumb arguments with your family again. Everything suddenly felt so overwhelming to you, and you couldn't help but feel as though you were going to break down.

A knock at your door, however, broke you out of your state of panic. Leaning away from the window and looking towards your door, you sighed. Who could be wanting to speak with me this late? Standing up finally and grasping the handle to your door, you allowed yourself to slide it open and look up at whomever had needed your attention. "Oh, uh, Lawrence? What are you doing here?" You mentally face palmed at your stutter, and of course, Lawrence could check up on anyone whenever he wanted. He is the leader after all.

"You weren't here for dinner so I was worried, I even went looking around for you," Lawrence allowed himself into your room by side stepping by you, his chest slightly bumping into your shoulder. Your eyes followed after his figure nervously and your lips quivered into a nervous smile, "Sorry, I was just collecting my thoughts downstairs." It wasn't entirely a lie, you had been downstairs, you were just finding out the truth. "You didn't go back into the basement, did you?" Lawrence asked as he stood in the middle of the room, his back was facing you. You felt a chill run up your spine by his words and actions.

Having a short debate in your head on either if you should tell him or not, you gave the tall boy a timid smile, "No, I didn't." Lawrence turned to face you, a warm smile formed on his lips as he walked up to you and wrapped you in his arms. "Good," was all he said as he rubbed circles onto your back, it felt uncomfortable. Slowly returning the embrace with shaky arms, you couldn't help but wonder what he would have said instead if you had said yes. For a moment it had seemed he wasn't going to let go, but after some much obvious hesitation, he finally let go.

As he towered over you, he gave you one last smile before turning to your door and heading out, and before it slid shut, you heard him say his goodbyes. Standing and staring at your door, you couldn't help but ponder, is Lawrence really the leader I think he is? Or is he someone in disguise? Sighing and shaking your head, you can't handle to consider what monster that might live underneath the cover of Lawrence's good-guy front. Perhaps you're even overthinking, Lawrence may sincerely been good guy, a tad bit overprotective, but good nonetheless.

Deciding that you've had enough of today's events, you fall onto your now scarred knees and slowly allow yourself to lay on the ground. Having exhausted all energy, mentally and physically, you quickly drifted off into a dreamless sleep, completely unknowing of the presence opening your door and peering down at your figure.


Aaaaah, I'm so tired. I apologize for the very late updates, I wish I could stick to an upload schedule, however, I have work to worry about and I constantly suffer from writers block. Once again, I please ask that you all let me know of any mistakes, I'm writing and editing at work on my break.

If any of you have suggestions, questions, or anything else, please let me know! Comment or even personally message me! :)

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