14 | Missing Person

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☆Warning, these chapters contain gruesome content and may be uncomfortable for some readers☆


You woke witha jolt as someone was banging on your door. Shoving yourself up and staggering over to the front of the room, you glanced out your window for a second to see the sun barely rising over the horizon, and as your fingers grasped the handle of the door to slide it open, its was then shoved open by whomever was standing behind it. "Eugene, Zion? What's going on?" You groggily stepped back into your room as they pushed themselves inside without an answer, their eyes frantic as they did so.

"She's not in here?" Zion breathed out suddenly, his golden eyes darting to each corner of your room as Eugene shook his head in a reply. "What, who?" You rubbed your eyes to rid of any sleepiness you had left from your sudden awakening, you were starting to feel worried and almost sick to your stomach as you feared the worst. "Scarlett, she's not in her room. We think she's been missing since last night," Eugene gave Zion a worried look as he told you what was going on, his hand resting idly against a desk as he leaned over in the slightest. "What?" You airly released a breath as you questioned them, they're joking with me, it's just... There's no way.

Deciding to take a look for yourself, you pushed your way past the two boys and out into the hall. With swift steps, you rushed into Scarlett's room and scanned everything inside. It looks fine, almost as if nothing has been touched, you thought, but something definitely feels off. Walking further inside, you started to move things around to see if she had left anything behind, which Scarlett had left a notebook and a pen, her blanket, and a few articles of spare clothes. "If she had run away, wouldn't she take her blanket and clothes? It's starting to get cold outside, why would she leave all of this?" You turned to look at the two boys standing in the doorway behind you.

Eugene's brows furrowed like he didn't quite get what you were getting at, but Zion pushed further inside, he now looked a little frantic. "You're not suggesting what I think you are?" He whispered out, his hands grasping your shoulders almost tightly. Quickly shaking your head, you replied, "I'm not saying anything yet. We have little to no evidence that she actually left, Scarlett could still be around here somewhere." You rested your hands on top of Zion's and gave his a reassuring squeeze before releasing him from your shoulders. Though your words hadn't helped much, you could see him relax in the slightest, whereas the shorter boy further back gave a simple shrug. "If she did leave, it's her choice, not ours," Eugene said as his eyes closed, he looked tired.

"We should at least look around the school, see if she went somewhere else in here for the night. Maybe she just hasn't woken up yet?" Once the words left your mouth, Zion quickly nodded. His golden eyes scanned around the room one last time before exiting, Eugene and yourself following close behind him. The short boy would glance at you apprehensively, his eyes obviously showing concern for Zion as the three of you continued on your way down the halls. You three checked classroom after classroom, but after searching the floors above and realizing some rooms were locked, you felt as though you were losing hope of finding her. "Perhaps she went out to the roof?" You suggested. You wanted to sound confident and reassure the two boys you were with, but your voice had wavered and your eyes shifted nervously around the are you were standing in.

Rushing to the roof and then to the ground floor, the three of you realized the girl was nowhere to be found inside the building. Worry filled your entire body and fear now coursed through your veins, maybe she really did leave? But why would she leave all of her stuff behind? You inhaled deeply as you turned to Zion, your brows furrowed with worry as you saw his eyes frantically glance around everywhere. Placing a hand onto his arm, you squeezed him in the slightest to draw his attention from his worry. His golden eyes found yours, his brows scrunched and his lips in a frown, but his hand found yours and grasped it back for comfort, "I don't think she's around here anymore." His voice was barely above a whisper and you could hear a slight crack at the end of his sentence. "Let's go back and inform the others," Eugene said, he now looked exhausted from worrying so much.

As the three of you slowly made your way back up to the classroom, you found that Eugene was hugging his arms tightly around his torso as his eyes shifted around the halls cautiously. "Eugene?" You whispered to not bother Zion, he was already worried enough as it was. "Sorry, it's just, with everything going on," he moved his hand in a circle around the area, "it's hard to relax. All of this worrying is annoying and exhausting." You nodded your head at what he said, it was understandable to be slightly annoyed with all of this, especially since it seemed so much as happening all at once. "Hey, we'll be okay. If you want, I can spend the rest of the day by your side so you won't be alone?" You asked him with a worried smile. Eugene stared at you with his mouth formed into a line, for a moment you thought he was going to say no, but he quickly shook his head yes and turned away from your face.

Glancing over at the boy, you could see his ears turned red, but the rest of his face covered by this facial mask. A small smile found your lips as you relaxed in the slightest, things are going to be okay. You kept telling yourself this as you walked towards the classroom where everyone else was probably at, all probably wondering just exactly where they all were and why they're late. Upon reaching the said classroom, you opened the door so abruptly that Harry jumped in his spot and looked at you, clearly startled. You, Zion, and Eugene scanned the room for the crimson eyed girl, but she was nowhere to be seen. Everyone else seemed confused and scared by all of your actions, and once confirming that Scarlett was in sight, you slumped right in your spot and slid down the wall nearest to you and groaned out. "She's gone, guy's," You said as you glanced over to Zion, you saw the boys fingers clench into fists and his body shake.

"I'm sorry, who is gone?" Harry asked the three of you worriedly, he himself now standing up and walking over to you. "Scarlett, we think she's been missing since last night. We tried to look for her, but there is no sign of her anywhere," Eugene piped up, though he seemed uncaring of the situation, you could tell he was tense and starting to feel awkward about everything. "Scarlett's m-missing?" Hailet spoke up, her hands quickly finding Sue's. "There's no way she'd just up and leave, right?" Judy spoke next, her arms spreading out in exaggeration as she felt fear rise in her chest.

"She didn't take anything from her room, so what I'm assuming is that she didn't leave on her own accord," You explained, your voice now steady as you stood up and closed your eyes, "I have a feeling she didn't leave this place willingly."

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