10 | Bad Luck with Cafeteria's

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☆Warning, these chapters contain gruesome content and may be uncomfortable for some readers☆

This chapter is a little longer than the rest because I don't want to put it into parts! Hope that's okay!


You shuffled around in your room the next morning for someone had left a change of clothes for you outside your door. Quickly changing, which you were thankful for the new clean set on your body, you made your way out of your room and hurried down the hall to the classroom. Upon entering, you realized you were the first one this time. "How weird?" You allowed yourself to fully walk inside, your eyes taking in some little details about the place as you made your way over to the window. Leaning against the windowsill with your arms, you watched the sky change colors as the sun rose higher into the sky. Pretty, you thought as a smile formed on your lips. It was moments like these you've become grateful for, peace and quiet, but today that was going to change. You were finally going back out there.

The door slid open behind you and you turned around to see who entered. Not to your surprise, Lawrence walked in with a small yawn escaping his lips, "Oh, Y/N, good morning!" He smiled warmly, his brown eyes closing in the process. "Good morning," You replied as you leaned back against the palm of your hands on the windowsill. "You seem nervous," Lawrence walked over to you, his height almost towering as he stood in close proximity, "Don't be, okay? You'll have me there, Zion and Ethan, too." You were a little confused, "And Jay, right?" Lawrence airly laughed and patted your head with his large hand, "Yeah, him too." Though his words were meant to be comforting and nice, something felt slightly off from the way he excluded the other boy.

Shortly after Lawrence stepped back from you, Sue and Hailey walked into the room together, their hands intertwined as it seemed Sue was leading Hailey, "Morning, you guys look ready already," Sue motioned to the two of you with her free hand, it was obvious mornings didn't bother her as much, "And I'm glad the clothes fit, I was a little worried about that." The short brunette smiled once she noticed you had dressed in the new clothes. You smiled brightly, "Yes, thank you so much for these!" It was a pair of simple skinny jeans, a plain t-shirt, and a heavy weighted jacket. The hood was fur lined, so it was really warm and could protect you too. "I might look for some new shoes while we're in the mall today, mine are starting to wear out," You gazed sadly down to your converse, the stitching was pulling apart from all of your restless running.

After a few more minutes, everyone had piled into the room and breakfast was served. You sat next to Zion and Ethan took the spot to your right, you couldn't help but feel the nerves rise up in you as you thought about the mall, there's bound to be some of those monsters inside. Eating a cracker from the small pack, you seemed to doze off about what bad things could happen, and Ethan could tell. You were fidgety and your brows were furrowed, it seemed like you weren't even paying attention to what Lawrence was saying. "Y/N," He simply stated in a low whisper next to you. You flinched from snapping out of your thoughts and looked up at him, "Sorry, was I bothering you?" A weak smile formed on your lips as you asked. Ethan didn't say much other than placing his hand on top of your head, his eyes softening as he watched you lean into his touch, "Don't be scared, we'll all be there watching each other's backs." It was the longest sentence you've heard from him in a while and you smiled, giving him a small nod.

Lawrence finished his little speech about today's plans, his eyes searching everyone's as he slowly gazed across the room. You could hear Scarlett scoff from across the small space, she's still upset? Ignoring her, you finished your food and so did everyone else, and soon enough the five of you were grouping up together in the classroom while everyone left. Harry looked at you one last time before leaving the room, his mouth opening and closing as he looked like he wanted to say something but thought better of it. "All right, we'll leave here in a few minutes, you all feeling ready?" Lawrence's soft eyes met yours, his smile growing in the slightest as he lingered there for just a moment. "Yeah, let's get this over with," Jay said, crossing his hands behind his head in the process. "It's now or never," Zion added on, his smile growing into a smirk of confidence as he started to make his way out of the room.

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