19 | Confrontation

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☆Warning, these chapters contain gruesome content and may be uncomfortable for some readers☆

This book was #1 in the dangerousfellows tag! Thank you all so very much for getting this book this far (as of 8/25/2019 of course)!


Zion stood on the opposite side of the room from you, his teeth were gnawing at his bottom lip brutality, you could see it blistering and turning red. Walking over to him, you placed a hand on his crossed arms and gazed into his eyes, but that didn't seem to work. He was consumed with his thoughts and you could only assume they were all about Scarlett. "Zion, talk to me," you attempted to grab his arms and tried to pull them away from his body, but he was too stiff. "She's gone, Y/N," Zion muttered, his brows furrowed and his lips forming into a bitter, sad smile.

You shook your head and glared at the taller boy, he was being too doubtful, "You don't know that, okay? We're still here looking for her, and until I find evidence, she could still definitely be out there!" Zion looked at you, though his eyes showed some doubt, he smiled at your words. Nodding with what you said, he pulled you into a loose hug and let his chin rest on top of your head, you, of course, returned the embrace. It was only for just a moment did you feel comfortable and safe, but of course the sense of safety didn't last long.

A loud crash erupted behind you and you felt yourself be held tighter and yanked out of sight from whatever had created the sound, and once you cleared your sight you looked up to see Zion holding you away from the sound. "Children?" You could hear a gruff man's voice from across the room and you tensed, there really was a person in the basement. "There's more of you shits?" Hearing the man tsk, you froze in Zion's arms. More of us, you thought, does that mean he's seen Scarlett? Or maybe he's talking about the time Eugene and I were down here? Pushing yourself out of Zion's arms, you peered around his figure to get a glance at the man.

He was tall, lean, and greasy looking. His skin was pale, almost a grey color, and to be frankly honest, he looked dead. His azure eyes showed no emotion other than irritation and the way he stood only showed his apprehension to the realization that all four of you were standing around within his area. He didn't like it, he didn't like it one bit, and when you took a step forward to try and say something, he only growled to show that he had little to no interest in speaking. "Get the fuck out of here," his garbled voice sent a shudder down your spine, and as you further stared at him, the more you felt panicked and uneasy in his presence.

"I'd like to ask some questions first, if I may?" Lawrence stepped forward, his stern eyes staring the estranged man down as he took a single step towards him. The man growled low and guttural, his eyes staring Lawrence down in a threatening manner, "Don't think that's a good idea." Nodding his head, Lawrence then changed his direction and started to head towards the door to leave, so Ethan, Zion, and yourself followed closely behind. Just as the four of you were about to exit and leave the man to his own business, he yelled out, "Wait!"

You were the last figure in the doorway so you were the one to turn around slowly and look at the man, "Yes?" Your voice was barely above a whisper as you stared the man down, his eyes now trailing on your body up and down. A shudder rushed down your spine as you realized what he was doing, he's checking me out?! Taking a quick step back, your back met with someone's chest behind you in the doorway, "What is it?" You recognized the voice, Lawrence stood behind you and with his right hand, he grasped your shoulder to try and comfort you.

The man licked his lips hungrily, his azure eyes meeting your own gaze as he let a sloppy like grin form on his lips, "I'll give you all the information you want, but I want something in exchange." You felt Lawrence's grasp on your shoulder tighten, he was either trying to tell you everything is okay, or he's starting to get royally pissed off, you couldn't tell. "What is it you want?" Lawrence questioned back as he slowly started to nudge your body behind his own. "Give me the girl, and I'll tell you all you want about the pretty little blonde," the man licked his lips again, his hands clasping together as he rubbed them together. Like he is preparing for a meal.

"Pretty blonde?" You could hear Zion ask from behind you. The redhead took his had and lightly pushed you out of the way and stood in front of both you and Lawrence, his golden, cat like eyes fierce as he glared the strange man down. This was going to go bad, very bad. You tensed up as you saw the mans smirk grow even more wicked, his azure eyes growing wide in a craze, just what is wrong with this guy? Taking a step backwards, you managed to get yourself out in the hall and further away from the man. You could no longer see him.

Ethan stood beside you and grasped your arm to pull you back and away from the room, and as you looked up at his face, you could see he was pale and tense, he wasn't liking where this was going either. "Ethan, take Y/N back. Zion and I will take care of this," Lawrence glanced back at you and Ethan as he said this, and because of his smile and look in his eyes, you couldn't help but shudder. He didn't seem right, he didn't seem... Completely sane. Ethan simply nodded his head and grabbed your wrist lightly, and with a tug, you were following right behind him.

What did Lawrence and Zion have in mind? What is going to happen? Will they be okay? These questions continued to race through your head as Ethan opened the door to the upstairs, his arm holding it open to allow you to pass by him. As you did so, you took one final glance behind you and down the hall.

It feels like something terrible is about to happen...


Please let me know of any mistakes, I edited this on my phone and finished writing this very late. I apologize.

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