23 | Trust

270 19 8

☆ Warning these chapters contain gruesome content and may be uncomfortable for some readers ☆


After the dramatic meeting, you had gone back to your room and paced around. Everyone had agreed on resting for a while then go on evening patrols, after that another meeting would be called. Lawrence... Did not seem happy about the conclusion of the initial meeting. Thinking back to it, you recalled the way his eyes darkened at the sight of the flyer. It sent shivers up and down your spine and the way he had argued about not going. It was shocking, to say the least. After everything that had happened recently, you thought more people would want to go.

Deciding to stop pacing around so much, you perched yourself against the window once more. Staring outside, it all seemed so quiet, and yet chaotic at the same time now. Those streets once used to be so busy, and now they're empty. No life, no noise, nothing. Once comforted by the silence, it now brought you unease. Suddenly, a knock at your door startled you out of your thoughts.

"Y/N? It's me, Harry. May I come in?" His voice sounded rather timid and quiet, but it didn't waver. Standing up and walking over to the door, you opened it up and gestured for him to come inside.

"What is it? Did something happen?" You questioned as he stepped inside. His eyes searched your room, looking around in curiosity. "You kept this place exactly the same?" Harry said, almost to himself, "Sorry, that's not what I came here for..." Trailing off, he looked flustered and unsure.

Looking him up and down, you noticed his stature wasn't as confident as it usually was. His light hair was disheveled and his eyes had bags underneath them, he was clearly worried about something. Taking a few steps towards him, you lightly took his hands in yours and gave them a small squeeze. Harry inhaled sharply at this and shyly looked at your hands together, he couldn't help but blush in the slightest.

"For the past few days, I've been meaning to say some things to you," He started, his eyes looking anywhere but at you, "and I've been getting the feeling that I may not have much more time to tell you what I want to tell you." Finally, after trying to look at anything but you, his eyes landed on yours.

He looked flushed and unsure. You hadn't ever seen him look so... Vulnerable, not in a while at least. The last time was when he confided in you about his headache. Harry's hands held yours tighter, his lips quivering in the slightest as he took in another deep breath.

"I don't know where this is all going, and I just want to make sure that you're okay," He brought your hands up to his face, making your hands cup his cheeks as he slowly pulled you closer to him. His arms wrapped around your waist, causing you to flush and almost stutter on your breath.

"H-Harry, I don't- Yeah... I've been managing," You couldn't look him in the eyes with such close proximity.

His arms held you tighter and you released your hands from his face. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him further into the hug, his head now resting on your shoulder. His body shuddered, almost as if he were holding back a laugh or cry. Stroking the back of his head, you sighed heavily and closed your eyes. You needed this, a hug, more comfort. Harry had given you just what you needed to keep on going, just a little longer at least. Pulling away in the slightest, you smiled at him.

"Thank you, Harry... Are you okay?" You finally asked the boy as he stared at you with a slight frown.

He nodded his head and tried to give you a small smile instead, "Yeah, just really stressing over everything that has been happening, and I just... Didn't know who to go to. It felt like my head was going to burst."

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