17 | Decisions

874 45 15

☆Warning, these chapters contain gruesome content and may be uncomfortable for some readers☆

Hhhhhhhhhh, thank you all for over 1k reads! I didn't think this book would ever get this far. I also apologize if this chapter is bad, I wrote it during my hour long break at work.


Classroom 1-C was far too quiet, it was rather unnerving as you paced back and forth on the wooden floor. You bit your thumbnail between your teeth as you seethed in breaths, you couldn't concentrate on any other thought other than that someone was residing underneath your very feet, someone you possibly didn't know. As cough broke you out of your trance and as your eyes followed the wall to see who made such noise, you met eyes with Eugene. He was watching you with a worried expression, he's never seen you act like this before and he was growing increasingly worried. You nodded your head at him and swallowed hard, with the way you were acting, you were making him nervous.

Ethan returned to the room with his usual stoic expression, but he wasn't alone. He had gone out and searched throughout the property to find the others, and as he did so, he slightly explained the current situation. Even though Scarlett was still missing, an unknown person living in the basement was a little more worrisome to you because they could actually do harm to you and the others. Lawrence was the first to say something as he glanced back and forth between you and Eugene, "Ethan said you two discovered something in the basement? I thought we agreed to leave that alone for the time being?"

You shifted your eyes over to Zion and then Eugene and nodded your head. Turning to look at the floor, you were worried what the others were going to say about all of this, "I know, but I'm sorry. I had to know what was down there and I didn't want to go alone, so I took Eugene." You tried to save Eugene a little from the harping of Lawrence, but as you looked up and met eyes with the said boy, you knew he didn't believe you. "That's besides the point right now, anyways," you said as you waved your hand dismissively, "while we were down there we discovered something... kinda bad." Taking in a deep breath, you prepared yourself for everyone's reactions, "There's a person in the basement. We don't know who they are, but they seemed mad whenever Eugene and I stumbled into their room."

Everyone seemed to stiffen at this news, someone was living in the basement, and no one knew who it was. "Did you get a look at them?" Harry asked, his brows furrowing in worry as he seemed to be looking you up and down for injuries. "No, that's another thing. When we were down there and trying to leave, the lights went out-" While you were explaining, you were cut off, "This lights work down there?!" Zion shouted with wide eyes. It seemed that news was also shocking, "Yeah, but another thing. When the power cut out, Eugene and I tried to leave, but someone had blocked the door from the outside with a chair. Ethan can vouch for that because he was the one who released us." You gestured to the tall boy who simply nodded in return.

"S-Someone is down th-there right now?" Hailey was shaking right where she was standing, her hands grasping onto Sue's small shoulders tightly. Sue reached up and grasped Hailey's hands into her own and worriedly looked up to her girlfriend, "Are you sure it wasn't Scarlett?" You looked at Sue and widened your eyes, "Oh, right!" You turned around and picked up two articles of clothing on the floor behind you and tossed it onto the desk in front of you, and for a moment, everyone stared in confusion until it clicked in Judy's head, "That's Scarlett's jacket, and are those your pants?" Nodding your head, you grasped the pants tightly in your hands, "We found this in the basement as well... It's just right now the person down there seems to be more of a concern, and perhaps they know something about Scarlett since this stuff was down there."

Looking up, you saw Zion's eyes flaring up in anger. His hands were shaking from being in such tight fists and his teeth were clenched, and as he tried to open his mouth to say something, only a growl escaped. "We have to do something about this, we can't just sit here and wait to see if this person is going to do something against us," You said as you planted your hands flat against the table, your eyes meeting everyone's gazes one-by-one. "I agree, but we can't just rush down there and attack this guy. He could be dangerous and possibly not the only person down there," Lawrence seemed rather calm as he explained that, his finger prodding underneath his chin as he seemed to be contemplating something in his head. As he said these words, Hailey let out a little squeak from fear.

More than one person? You hadn't considered the thought, but Lawrence was right, perhaps there are more people in this school than you're thinking. The lights went out after all, someone else had to have done that while you and Eugene were away from the light switch. Plus, someone locked you down there, and though the chance is still there that someone in the very room you're in had done it, it doesn't seem as likely. "We have to do something about this, the question is how," you explained as you leaned back fromt the table, "and if Scarlett is down there, we have to figure out a plan fast." Ethan nodded his head as he looked at you, he seemed determined to figure out what was going on, and it seemed he was willing to do anything to put an end to the terror.

"I say we put an end to this fucker, he probably has Scarlett or some shit!" Zion stepped forward, it was like he was flaming from all of his sudden anger. "Now, now, we shouldn't act irrationally. Especially not in a situation as this, perhaps the person has nothing to do with Scarlett's disappearance," Lawrence attempted to calm the golden-eyed boy. "But we cant just sit around here either, something has to be done!" Harry stepped up next, his eyes showing his concern even though he was trying to calm himself and the others around him. "I agree, we need to figure out what's going on here. Besides, if Y/N is right and Scarlett is down there, we need to act fast!" Eugene chipped in, his lips pursed as he stared Lawrence down.

Judy nodded her head along with everyone and inhaled deeply, "All right, if that's the case, we need to start making a plan," she pulled out a piece of paper and a pen, "let's start with who is going to do what, when this is going to happen, and how we are going to deal with the stranger." Soon enough, everyone had gathered around and started to formulate a plan, and in due time, you were all getting ready to deal with the mysterious stranger.

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