9 | Buns or Chips?

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☆Warning, these chapters contain gruesome content and may be uncomfortable for some readers☆

By the way, is anyone actually reading this?


"She finally let off some steam," Eugene pushed himself up and off of the floor, his eyes following your retreating figure. He was impressed, actually, now that you were telling people what you were really thinking. His brown eyes looked over and saw Scarlett shaking in her spot, her head hung low and her hands curled tightly into fists. What's gotten into her? Eugene thought as he glanced over to Zion. The red-head met Eugene's questioning gaze and shrugged, he too, didn't know what was happening to the girl. Sue and Hailey backed away from the scene, the taller girl clinging onto her small girlfriend as they backed away to their shared room. Whatever just happened, it was a problem between Y/N and Scarlett.

Scarlett suddenly ran off, a yell of frustration leaving her lips as she hurriedly went down the steps of the school. Zion and Eugene didn't know what to do, so they glanced at one another and shrugged in confusion. With you, you stood silently in the middle of your room as you felt any anger that was pent up inside you, release. It felt good to yell and get angry, it was something you haven't done since you were a kid, and to let out some issues you were having with Scarlett felt really good. You sighed as you plopped down onto your blanket on the floor, and as you laid on your stomach, you closed your eyes and hoped for some peaceful sleep to come.


You weren't bothered or messed with up until dinner time, and once you woke you let out a large yawn. "Ah, Y/N?" Someone knocked at your door, and you turned towards it and debated if you really wanted to answer it. Deciding to get up, you walked over to the door and opened it slightly to see Harry this time, a kind smile already on his lips before you even opened the door. "We're getting ready for dinner, you coming?" He noticed you rub your hands over your eyes to rid of any sleepiness you had left over from your rather long nap and watched as you nodded your head, yet another yawn escaped your lips. Harry took your hand and walked with your tired self to the classroom, a shy smile on his lips as he couldn't help but think you looked rather adorable. 

The two of you entered the room together, and this time, idle chatter filled the usually quiet space. Sue and Lawrence were looking over the large map hung up on the wall while Hailey sat nearby, her eyes trailing the smaller girl with a lost puppy kind of look. Judy was teasing Eugene and Zion was watching, his lips pulled back into a smile as the two joked around. Scarlett and Jay, however, noticed you as soon as you walked into the room, their eyes trailing you as you walked with Harry up to Ethan, who was watching Lawrence and Sue. It was kind of hectic in the room, but you didn't mind all the chatter and sound. Reminds me of school, you thought as you looked around at everyone.

Ethan glanced back at you and nodded his head in acknowledgment, his eyes then quickly switched back to gazing up to the large map Lawrence and Sue were pointing at. It seemed a plan was brewing, and you hoped to be a part of it. Some part of you was starting to feel excited and your eyes were clearly lighting up as you bit back a smile from forming on your lips, you didn't want to seem that excited. But you were. You were so excited. You'd been cooped up for over twenty-four hours and you were going a little stir-crazy, you wanted to get out and about for once and show that you could be of use to the group.

"All right, Sue, let's get some food for everyone and discuss what we need to talk about," Lawrence glanced over to the short girl who simply nodded in return. She followed him out of the room and you could've sworn you saw Hailey pout in the corner of your eyes, but they quickly came back and the tall girl lit up once she saw her cute, small girlfriend. Lawrence and Sue handed out the food, but this time the seating arrangements were a little different. Eugene had gotten up from his spot and sat next to you and Zion sat beside him to your left while Harry sat on your right. Ethan and Lawrence looked over the map together while they ate, their hands pointing at a few locations as they discussed something important. Jay, Scarlett, and Judy were quietly talking to one another across from you and Sue and Hailey were the only two who remained in their spots in the corner of the room.

You saw Eugene glance over to the bag of chips you had in your hands and he slightly frowned, he was clearly food envious. Glancing over at him, you jutted the bag out to the front of his face and wiggled the bag around, "You want one?" Eugene sputtered and shoved the bag back towards yourself, his brows furrowing as he looked at you, "You still need to eat, idiot." A quiet laugh passed your lips as you reached over to the bun he held in his hand. You tore the thing in half and dug half of the chips out of the bag and handed them to the dirty-blonde who seemingly pouted at your kind actions, "There, we share half-and-half." He was irritated that you were so nice to him, but at the same time, he was grateful to eat something he actually liked for once.

As soon as everyone was done eating, Lawrence clapped his hands together to get everyone's attention, "I've talked about this with a few of you already but I think it's time we go out for another supply run. We could use more food, though we're going to be fine for a while, it's better to be safe than sorry. Plus the water situation is getting to become a bigger problem since the sinks in the bathrooms upstairs have stopped working, we need to figure out a fix for that and fast." You hadn't realized that was where all the water was coming from, but now that the sinks have run dry, you'd all surely die from dehydration. Shaking your head, you dismissed the thought and frowned, maybe Lawrence has a place in mind to check?

"Sue, Ethan and I discussed where we should go look and we've all agreed the next best bet is going to be the mall, you remember, Zion?" Lawrence looked over at the red-head who simply nodded his head at the acknowledgment, though his golden eyes clearly showed concern. "Is that really a good idea?" Jay sat up suddenly, his red sweater hanging loose over his shoulders. "It's the best we've got right now, so it's either this or we do nothing," Lawrence shut his eyes as his warm smile slipped slightly. Those words hung heavily in the air, everyone knew what that meant.

It's their best bet at the moment, and if they don't go or at least do something, they'd all die from lack of supplies. You shivered at the thought as you drew your legs up to your chest, your chin resting on top of your healing kneecaps. Harry noticed this and patted your back lightly, his eyes clearly showing concern for your well-being. "So, I'm guessing you've already decided on who is going?" Eugene piped up, his expression looked like he was bored, but if you looked closer you could tell he was slightly worried.

Lawrence nodded his head, "Ethan, Zion, Y/N, Jay and I will go. I'm not forcing any of you, but it'd be of great help if you went along."

It was clear from the start Ethan was on board, his head nodding as soon as he heard his name being called out. You saw Lawrence look at you as he waited for your reply, which you decided pretty quick, "Yeah, I'm in." You grip tightened around your legs as you held them closer to your chest. "Whatever," Jay shrugged and sat back down, his eyes closing in the process as he seemed to not care. "Zion?" Lawrence questioned, the leader staring the unusually quiet boy down. "I'm in, but if trouble shows, we leave," His cat-like eyes squinted as he started Lawrence down, who in return, nodded his head. "All right, let's get some rest so we can be ready for tomorrow. Goodnight everyone," Lawrence offered one last kind smile to everyone as you all quietly left the room.

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