11 | Welcome Home

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☆Warning, these chapters contain gruesome content and may be uncomfortable for some readers☆


The four of you had finally made your way back to the school, and during the whole walk, no one said a single thing. Lawrence didn't even bother with hand signals, he simply went along and all you could do was follow his moves. Though this irritated you in the slightest, you went along with it just so you wouldn't attract the attention of any more of those things. Surprisingly the way back to the school felt quick, but that's probably only because Lawrence was rushing through alleyways and streets unlike when you first left. Upon approaching the gates, you suddenly thought of Scarlett. What's she going to think now that Jay is... Gone?

Walking through the first floor of the school, the four of you were still quiet, the only sound to be heard was your quiet footsteps against the tile floor. Your thoughts started to eat away at your brain, everything was slowly drowning out as you could hear Jay's scream echo over and over again as he fell to his death. Bumping into someones back, you startled yourself and snapped out of your thoughts to see you walked into Ethan. You had finally made it back to classroom 1-C and everyone was already waiting inside. "We'll have to tell them about Jay," Zion said bitterly, his gaze casting away from the door. Ethan nodded, his eyes on you because you walked into him. "Don't worry, I'll handle it," Lawrence pulled open the door and stepped inside.

Everyone snapped their heads up in the direction of the door, most eyes filled with worry as they gazed up the four of you entering the room. Immediately, you felt dread rest heavily on your shoulders as the scene replayed over in your head once again. "We're back," Lawrence stated, his shoulders slumping in the process, "but not all of us." You looked up and watched as Scarlett's eyes grew wide, her lips twitching into a frown. Judy clutched onto her jacket tightly, her knuckles turning white in the process. Hailey gasped and cowered into Sue's side, her head burying and hiding away into the crook of the smaller girls neck. Sue sighed, her eyes downcast as she sadly patted her girlfriends back. Eugene and Harry both frowned, but it seemed they both knew something like this was inevitable.

"This- This is all her fault! We were all fine before she came but as soon as she goes out with us, someone ended up dead!" Scarlett's voice cracked as tears ran down her cheeks, her finger was pointed at you. Not this again, you thought as you looked away, there was nothing we could've done anyways... Right? Ethan stood in front of you suddenly while Zion walked up to the crying girl, his arms wrapping around her tightly. "It's not her fault, it's no ones. We were just in a bad place at the wrong time," Zion said, his brows furrowed at the accusatory girl. Ethan nodded his head, his eyes darting to look at you behind himself. "It's true, so much seemed to have happened all at once and none of us were in a close enough proximity to help him. If anything, it's my fault," Lawrence explained, his eyes now downcast as he seemed deflated, "I shouldn't have told him to wait outside the store, we should have gone in together." It was silent for a while, the only thing heard was Scarlett's sobs as she clutched tightly onto Zion's jacket.

No one knew what to do, the mood of the room rested heavily on your shoulders and you felt like you could barely breathe in the thick air. "Jay was a good guy," Eugene's voice cut through everyone's heavy thoughts, it came out almost in a whisper. "He was, and we'll never be the same without him," Harry added, he was frowning, "but we can't just sit in this silence forever and wallow away in these emotions." Lawrence nodded at his words, "I still want to survive, even after what I saw today. Jay will always be in our memories and I'm sure he'd want all of us to continue pushing on." You couldn't help but frown at his words, a memory suddenly lashing out in your head.

"Lawrence, over here, please!"

You bit your lip as you looked down at your feet, did you really hear him correctly? Zion and Ethan didn't seem to have heard him, but you were almost certain that's what he had yelled at that moment. He could've been yelling for Lawrence who was in the store, but the way it had sounded, sounded like he saw Lawrence in his line of sight. He was yelling for help, but you couldn't figure out what had truly happened at that moment. Did Lawrence watch him die?

"Y/N? Are you not hungry?" Harry was standing in front of you with food in front of your face. You snapped out of your thoughts and shook your head, "I am, sorry. Just thinking too much." Your hands wrapped around the bun he was offering you, a small apologetic smile formed on your lips. Harry nodded with furrowed brows, now he was concerned about you, but you had tried to brush it off. Taking a seat at the back of the room, you leaned against the wall and took out your dinner from its plastic covering. "What's got you bothered?" Zion asked as he sat to your left, Eugene taking the spot to your right. "Just... I can't stop thinking about Jay," You admitted some part of the truth, you didn't want to put out suspicion on the leader of the group, especially if everyone else found it to be a lie.

Zion shut his golden eyes and nodded his head in understanding, "I get it, but," he opened his eyes and looked at you, "you have to understand stuff like this is gonna keep happening. At some point, we'll have to grow used to it." You swallowed your bite of food down hard, it felt like it was sticking to your throat as it went down. Though you hated what he just said, he was right. More people were going to die, more bad things were bound to happen, and your hope was now diminishing. "Dude, way to lift the mood," Eugene sighed out as he set his food down on the floor, he was losing his appetite which was unusual. "You still have to eat," You ushered the short boy to eat, which in reply he rolled his eyes. In the end, though, you all finished your meals.

After everyone was done eating, no one got up or even said anything. So, deciding to break the silence, you got up and walked out of the room first and headed into your classroom. Shutting the door behind you, you took off your coat and sat down in the middle of your floor and gazed around. Silence consumed you. Your thoughts went wild. You finally broke down.

Tears dripped down your cheeks as you clutched onto your coat in your hands and buried your face into it, a horrible sounding sob escaped your lips. You recalled your last day at school and cried out more, your body now shaking. Thinking back to the married couple, you shuddered as you recalled the way the petite wife gave up. Now, Jay's body smacking against the white tile with his blood pooling around him played on repeat in your brain. You didn't know how long you cried for, but you eventually passed out.

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