15 | Reality

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☆Warning, these chapters contain gruesome content and may be uncomfortable for some readers☆

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"What?" Sue spoke up first, her eyes widening behind her glasses as she grasped onto Hailey's hand tighter, "you think someone kidnapped her or something?" You shook your head suddenly, your hands waving dismissively, "No, I don't have much evidence- not yet, that is," moving yourself to the front of the room you set yourself against the large table in the middle, "but that's why I want to look into this more, there still is one place we haven't looked." Glancing over to Zion and Eugene, you hoped the two of them would catch on to what you were going for, though they averted their gazes, it seemed they knew exactly what you were talking about. "The basement," Eugene whispered out. From simply mentioning the location, you could see quite a few people in the room tense and frown, it seemed the basement was a location not to mention.

Lawrence stepped forward with a frown on his lips, his hands found his hips as he stood there eyeing you down, "Slow down now, maybe she did just leave. Considering the way she was acting yesterday, I wouldn't be all that surprised if she did leave." Harry was the next to step up, "Besides, we don't want to start throwing suspicions around. It's bad for us- all of us." He motioned to everyone around the room, his brows furrowed in worry. Judy nodded her head along with Harry as she walked up next to him, her arms crossing against her chest, "I don't like the sound of any of this, we should all look around again to see if there is anything you guys missed. We should rush around and throw ourselves into danger!" You looked a Judy and nodded your head in understanding, though you wanted to go to the one place you hadn't been to yet, you could tell there was no through to them.

The three stepped forward and started to talk about groups and where to patrol and as you stepped back and frowned. Glancing over to Zion and Eugene, you gave them a little nod and slowly backed away from everyone else in the room and attempted to leave the area without being noticed by anyone else. Eugene started to back away with you, his hand already on the classroom door as he slowly opened it behind himself and backed out, his hand quickly ushering you to leave as you started to take quicker steps towards the boy. The two of you made it out of the classroom and Zion quickly shut the door behind himself to hide the fact that the two of you just left, his eyes scanning the room to make sure no one else noticed. However, once his golden eyes landed on a pair of blue eyes caught his own. Ethan and Zion held each other's gazes for a moment, but after a few beats, Ethan simply nodded his head towards Zion and turned away from the scene. Zion exhaled suddenly, sudden stress leaving his body he didn't know he was holding in, and as he looked back over to the three conspiring together to work up a new plan, he realized they didn't notice the two leave the classroom.

With you and Eugene, you scuttled across the halls as quickly as possible without making much noise, and as the two of you made your way down the steps to the basement, you found yourselves pausing at the entrance of it. "It-It's kind of scary, isn't it?" You stuttered and scooted closer to Eugene who in return nodded his head and gulped. Attempting to shake away your fear, you edged towards the entrance and walked inside, your head glancing back and forth as you realized it was pitch black and there was little to no visibility. Turning around to see Eugene still behind you, you nodded your head and continued into the darkness of the basement as your hand brushed against the wall to your right. Sliding your hand up and down, you eventually felt a switch underneath your fingertips, "There is a light switch, but I don't think it's going to-" As you flipped it up, the whirring sound of fluorescent lights warming up rang through the hall and the bright, white lights flickered on. "What the fuck?" Eugene untensed from behind you and walked around, he himself curious and worried.

The two of you looked at one another, brows furrowed and eyes filled with curiosity, you continued your way down the hall in silence side-by-side. Glancing around everywhere, your eyes caught onto a tall pile of boxes sitting up against a wall to your right, and upon further inspection, you realized they were filled to the brim with random stuff. "Hey, Eugene, look at this," you pulled a box down from the top of the pile and opened it up, the contents inside were rather puzzling. It was articles of clothes, some thin jackets, and jeans, a shirt here and there, and it was all folded neatly inside. Eugene peered over your shoulder and huffed, he was clearly even more confused and frustrated with the situation, none of this was making sense. "Do you think this was here before us or..?" You looked up at Eugene and pursed your lips, perhaps it was old donation or lost-and-found boxes?

"No, if they were here that long there would have been dust n'stuff," Eugene swiped his hand across the top of a different box and inspected his hand, "these are recent. No speck of dust on 'em." Nodding your head along with him, you conquered the same thing. Someone had recently put these boxes here, and just where they were at or who they are is still a mystery, and the fact that they were collecting clothing was rather confusing. As you picked up and opened another box, you froze up upon seeing the contents inside, "Is this..?" As you breathed out, you pulled out a pair of torn-up jeans that were slightly bloody around the knees. "These are my old jeans- and this!" You pulled out a thin, pink jacket and gasped, "This is Scarlett's jacket!" Eugene gaped at the clothes and blinked rapidly, "What the hell?"

Suddenly, a loud rumble was heard and the lights flickered out above you, causing you to tense and reach out for Eugene who was standing to your left. You felt your fingers curl into his hoodie as you held on tightly, something was wrong and you were starting to get scared. Remembering Scarlett's jacket, you released one hand from Eugene's hoodie and grabbed the article of clothing in the darkness and held it tightly to your chest, then you tugged Eugene towards what you recalled to be the exit. Fumbling around in the dark, the two of you managed to find the door, but once trying to open it, you realized it was either locked or blocked on the other side. "It's not opening, Eugene!" You whisper shouted, your hands now jiggling the handle up and down in a desperate attempt to get the door to open.

Eugene stepped forward and tried to open the door himself, a grunt of frustration and slight fear slipping past his lips as he tried over and over to get the door to open, "Shit." You heard him mumble. Suddenly, a loud crash was heard further down the hall and the two of you whipped around startled. "What the hell was that?" You whispered, your hand again finding Eugene's hoodie in the darkness. "I don't know," you could feel Eugene move closer to you, his body leaning into your own as he tried to find comfort in your presence. It was silent for just a moment, then a groan could be heard from the area of the crash.

You froze up in a fearful realization, "We're not alone down here."

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