12 | Accusations

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☆Warning, these chapters contain gruesome content and may be uncomfortable for some readers☆

Anybody have any idea's as to how I can get this book more out there?


You woke the next morning with puffy eyes and a dry mouth, you were dehydrated. Thankfully, water wasn't going to be a problem for a long while. With a stretch, you heard your back pop in different spots, and stood up and looked outside the window. Midday already? No one woke me up?! You were shocked at seeing the sun so high in the sky already, how had no one come in to wake you up? Making your way out of your room, you let out a heavy sigh.

After walking to classroom 1-C, you noted that no one was really around. Perhaps they were all patrolling, but patrols only happened in the mornings and at night... Just where was everyone? You almost wanted to yell out to see if anyone was around, but a hand touching your shoulder made you jump and nearly scream. "You..." Turning around, you met eyes with a crimson glare, "You stole from me, didn't you?"

Scarlett's hold was strong on your shoulder, she was forcing you to stay in front of her and you were unable to move away. "I'm sorry..?" You were terribly confused, just what was happening today? "No one has seen you around all morning, Harry checked in on you earlier, but it's been hours now! You stole my chapstick!" She now held onto you by both of your shoulders, her hands slightly shaking you in the process. "Its the only possibility, everyone else has been sorting through the new supplies!" Scarlett pushed you up against the wall and a loud thud could be heard.

Biting back an insult, you looked her in the eyes and said, "I've been sleeping all day, I've been stressed and I cried all night, for Christ sake! Why in Hell would I want your chapstick?" The blonde girl didn't budge from holding you down against the wall, she simply glared and opened her mouth to say more, but she was stopped. "Scarlett?! What the Hell are you doing?" Eugene rushed over and managed to pull her away from you, his eyes staring her down as she shook her head.

Glancing down the hallway you noticed others appearing out of a classroom, the one where the supplies must be located and looked away from them. You felt ashamed from having cried and you really didn't want any of them to see you in your current state now, perhaps staying in your room all day would have been the smarter decision. "What is it now?" Zion airily sighed out, he sounded tired. "She stole from me!" Scarlett quickly accused, her finger pointing at you as a child would. From the corner of your eyes, you saw Zion roll his own.

"And you have evidence to back this up?" Lawrence spoke up next, his voice hinted slightly at annoyance. Scarlett scowled and almost snarled in your direction as she looked back over to you, "She was the only one who could have done it! We were all in the room, she was the only one "sleeping" over here!" She air quoted with her fingers as she took a glance back at everyone else, her crimson eyes held accusations as she turned back and stared you down. "Scarlett, I checked on her more than once, she hadn't moved from her sleeping position for hours. Y/N was out cold!" Harry stepped up to defend you, his eyes pleading to her to stop. You started to back away from Scarlett as she took a step towards you, her finger starting to jab into your chest as she spewed more words, "I know what you're trying to do. Don't think you'll get away with this!"

You bit your lips to keep your mouth shut, you wanted to lash out at her and say something but you stopped yourself, I'm not going to drop to her level again. A pounding sensation pulsed through your head, from her making you mad and from you just waking up from a night of crying, you were now extremely dehydrated. Shutting your eyes tight, you inhaled deep through your nose, "I'm just here, Scarlett. I'm not doing anything and I'm not going to do anything. I'm sorry if I bother you that much, but I won't be going anywhere." Opening your eyes, you frowned as you lightly pushed her away from your body. She was pushing your buttons, trying to get you to snap in front of everyone, but you weren't going to bend and break just because of her childish accusations.

Taking steps away from her, you walked towards Harry and took shelter behind his body to avoid any more stares from the others, and especially Scarlett. Out of everyone here, you could trust him to help you out in this situation, and he did. He took his arm and nudged you slightly, his hand reassuringly grasping yours as he continued to look forward towards the glaring crimson girl, "Scarlett, please, just relax. We can all talk about this." His voice was warm and kind, it relaxed you as you could feel his words were genuine and that he really did want things to work out. Of course, you did too, it's just when it came to Scarlett, she made things a lot more difficult for you.

As silence enveloped the group, you peeked over Harry's side to look at the other girl. Your eyes met with red and a shiver ran down your spine as you saw the girl coldly glare at everyone. "So everyone is just going to turn on me then? Does no one trust my judgment? No one cares about my feelings anymore?!" Scarlett started to shake, her shoulders shuddering as she took in a harsh breath of air. "It's not like that, Scar, you need to calm down," Zion stepped forward, his hand ready to grasp her shoulder, but his hand was slapped away. The golden-eyed boy was shocked and took a step back, his eyes widening as he looked Scarlett down.

Her head hung low, you could no longer see her eyes, and she shook violently in her place. "You're all assholes," With a shuddering breath, Scarlett let out her feelings, "I've been here longer than her, so what makes her so special? Why am I the bad guy all of a sudden?! Why don't any of you care about my feelings?!" She was repeating her words as you could see frustrated tears drop to the floor from the shaking girl. "Fuck all of you, I'm done," Scarlett stormed off to her room, her shoulder harshly coming into contact with Zion's as she shoved him aside. As she stormed off, you could see her frustratingly wipe tears away from her cheeks, she looks embarrassed...

"Don't worry, she'll be fine once she cools off," Zion attempted to reassure everyone by plainly stating that, but from the waver in his voice you could tell he wasn't so sure himself. Eugene walked up to you and poked your arm, earning your attention, "You okay?" Simply nodding your head, you turned back to look at Scarlett's door, you couldn't help but feel off about her words. Should I try talking to her? Would she even listen? You pondered longer as you let your head hang low, what an awful day this has been. With a swift shake of your head, you attempted to brush those feelings away.

No, it'll be fine. Things will get better... Right?

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