20 | Restless

734 42 20

☆Warning, these chapters contain gruesome content and may be uncomfortable for some readers☆


Pacing back and forth, you bit down on your thumb as you and Ethan waited at the top of the stairs for the other two boys to return. Due to your nervousness, Ethan started to grow a little antsy himself and was tapping his foot over and over as he started to grow more impatient by the minute. It seemed like it was taking them forever to get back, and because of this, you couldn't help but think of the worst. A hand was placed on your shoulder to get you to stop pacing, and once you met eyes with Ethan, you attempted to relax yourself and breathe.

It'll be okay, everything's fine, just gotta relax! You inhaled slowly and let your body slump against a wall, and as you closed your eyes, your exhaled the breath you had collected. It wasn't long until you heard a pair of footsteps clamoring up the stairs so you jolted off of the wall and looked over at the two approaching you and Ethan. Lawrence had a seemingly soft smile on his face, his eyes looked tired and his body was sagging in the slightest. As your gaze shifted over to Zion, you had realized something wasn't quite right about this.

His golden eyes were wide and his jaw was tense, it was like he wanted to say something but he was waiting for the right moment. "Everything was handled, don't worry," Lawrence patted your shoulder as he walked by, he eyes meeting yours in a longing gaze. You bit your lip and nodded, something didn't quite feel right about his words, "What did you guys do?" After your question passed your lips, Lawrence's gaze hardened and his smile grew stiff. "It's best not to ask, besides, it's nothing to worry about anymore," Lawrence explained with a slight shrug, he then continued up the stairs to the floor you all stay on.

Ethan looked at Zion, his blue eyes staring down the redhead in questioning as he seemingly tried to pry out some answers from him without even asking. However, Zion didn't budge nor break underneath his stern gaze. Zion ushered Ethan to go upstairs and so he complied, a stiff nod was shared between the three of you in silence as he slowly made his way back to the classrooms. "Y/N, I've gotta tell you something," Zion whispered out as he grabbed your arm and pulled you further down the hall the two of you stood in.

Without questioning him, you allowed yourself to be tugged away and far out of earshot of anyone possibly nearby. He was clearly shaken up by whatever had happened and you didn't like the look on his face. It didn't suit him, he didn't look right. "Zion, I think we're far enough?" You said as you glanced behind yourself, the staircase was now far and out of sight. With a stiff nod, Zion stopped and turned to face you. He was acting timid and was taking quick glances behind you in worry, but as he took a deep breath in, he seemed to grow some courage to speak up.

"We continued to talk to the guy, Lawrence and I, even though we were both really, really pissed off," Zion met your gaze, his brows furrowed in irritation, "mostly because he was talking about you. You know I'd never do anything to you that'd put you in danger, right?" His words were abrupt but comforting, and because of them you softly smiled and nodded your head. "Good," he quickly replied, "but back to what I was saying. Lawrence started to ask some weird questions, like if we could see Scarlett." Zion shut his eyes tight and swallowed hard, his hand found your shoulders and he squeezed them tight. Placing your hands on top of his, you gazed up at him in concern, waiting for him to continue.

Zion inhaled sharply, "He showed us her, Scarlett. She's- She's gone, Y/N." He opened his eyes again, you could see the sadness behind them as he released the breath he took in. "I just- I lost it when he showed us, I punched him, but Lawrence held me back and told me to wait out in the hall. I didn't even question it, I was so pissed and I was sure if I stayed in there I would have killed the guy," Zion let go of your shoulders and leaned back against the wall he was standing by, his arms now crossing as he looked to the floor in confusion. "That's when I heard some things from the room, it sounded like a struggle. Things were crashing and I'm pretty sure I heard the guy yell," Zion looked up at you again, "and when Lawrence left that room, I looked behind him. I didn't see the guy anymore, so I'm pretty sure Lawrence hurt the guy really bad, possibly even worse."

After his explanation, you swallowed hard and let in a shaky breath as you looked up to the golden eyed boy. "You're sure?" You whispered to him, your hands finding his shoulders as you sternly gazed up at him. You didn't want to believe that Lawrence, the guy all of you look to for guidance, has killed somebody. Yes, the man had killed Scarlett, but that doesn't mean you should stoop as low as he had. Kicking him out of his safe space would and should have been enough punishment, allowing him to risk his own life against those monsters out there could have been enough.

Zion nodded his head, his hands finding your shoulders in return, "I'm sure of it." Nodding your head and exhaling shakily, you prompted, "I have to see, to make sure for myself." The boy in front of you frowned as he pulled you into a hug, "I don't think I can go back down there right now, especially with Scarlett's-" He choked on her name and quickly shook his head as he buried his face into the crook of your neck. Your arms tightened around his body, your fingers curling into his clothes, you completely understood his feelings.

"I'll go check by myself, then," you whispered to Zion as you continued to hold him, your hand was now rubbing soothing circles across his back. A moment passed and then he stiffly nodded his head, "Be careful, I don't know what I'd do if I lost you too." Pulling away from the hug you looked up at him and offered a sad, but kind smile, which he slowly returned. Allowing yourself to step away from him, you turned to go back towards the staircase, and as you met with the first step, you couldn't help but hesitate.

The silence around you swallowed your surroundings, all you could hear was your rushing heart beat and unsteady breathing, but you pressed yourself to go on. Finally reaching the basement doors, you hesitantly opened them and entered the eerily quiet hallway. You could feel your pulse kick once the door shut behind you, the dim lighting added onto the unease you were already feeling. Everything going on around you was unsettling and everything in your body screamed to turn around and run, but you needed answers. You needed the truth. Taking your first step back towards the room you all had previously been in, you made sure to mentally prepare yourself for what you could see.

But nothing could prepare you for what you were about to see.


I would like to request that any of you let me know of any mistakes, I edited this very late and once again finished writing this on my break at work. I'd greatly appreciate it!

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