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"Pretty pretty please?"


"But daddy!"

"Lenn- why do you want me to join this dumb team so badly?"

"Because it's not a dumb team and aunt Natasha needs you."

Tony frowned at his daughter, "Aunt- who made her your aunt?"

"I did," Lennon smiled proudly.

"So now you've got a new mom and an aunt? You trying to replace me, kid?"

"No. I just know you get lonely sometimes so I want to make a big family for you."

"That's sweet but I do not get lonely- you're all I need, booger."

"And you're all I need but... but maybe the team needs you- the world needs you."

"Um, you read that file with me, right? The world will be just fine with that old man Captain America."

"Captain America is so handsome," Lennon beamed, "Do you think he'll be the same age when I grow up so we can get married?"

"Lennon Maria Stark- who told you you can think of boys that way?"

"I wanna be like you and mom."

"Me and mom aren't married, silly. So get your mind off of that."

"I will... as long as you go help the Avengers."

Tony narrowed his eyes down at his daughter, "If I do, will you drop boys altogether?"

"I will... until I'm fifteen."

"Wha- why fifteen?"

"Mom says that's when I'll really like boys and they'll 'always be on my mind'."

"If I buy you everything you want, you think that'll stop the process?"

"No. It'll make us have no money and make me spoiled and I don't want to be spoiled."

"You're the weirdest kid ever."

"Thank you."

"That being said, I can't go to the Avengers. I can't exactly leave you alone."

Seeing Lennon's eyes light up, Tony quickly shook his head.

"Nope. No. No way am I taking you with me."

"But daddy!"

"I'll call Happy," Tony ignored her pleas, already taking his phone out.

Lennon watched him with a pout, hating that no matter what she did or said, Tony would continue to refuse to take her with him. Surely enough, she soon found herself sitting across from Happy on the couch.

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