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"Lennon," he smiled, putting on the jacket that was just thrown to him by Flash, "Hey! I-"

He was cut off by Lennon wrapping her arms around his neck, kissing him, surprising him and even getting a few cheers from their friends, not that he minded as he wrapped his arms around her waist to hold her close as he kissed back.

When he did pull away though, he was his natural stuttering mess, "What was that for?"

"That was a thank you," she smiled up at him, only making him more confused.

"A thank you? For what?"

"For taking a break from you know who and going on this trip. I know this is technically going to be a school trip but I think we can make it just as fun, especially once we talk things out and we can just go back to normal. We could just focus on us."

"Right... yeah... of course. Just focus on us."

Pecking his lips one more time, she excitedly made her way to the bus while Peter turned to Ned.

"What was that?"

"I forgot I told Lennon that I was coming on this trip for her. I- she can't know what I'm really going for."

"Okay, no problem," Ned reassured him, "Don't worry, dude. I'll watch the tracking device. You just stay with her."

"Thank you," he sighed in relief, making his way into the bus too and going to sit next to Lennon who was still smiling brightly.

"Hey, handsome."

"Hello, beautiful," he smiled, kissing her cheek before taking her hand in his, "So, we should probably get this talk over with-"

"Lennon, seriously. What do you see in that nerd?" Flash suddenly asked from behind them, making her roll her eyes.

"Probably what I don't see in you- a man."

The others around them laughed as Flash coward down, going to talk his seat officially while Lennon turned to Peter.

"And you- get this over with?"

"I-I didn't mean it in a bad way. I just meant-"

"Okay, guys. Let's get some practice in!" Liz cheered as she began to hand out the bells.

"I... do we all have to participate?" Lennon asked nervously, already ready to opt her and Peter out of it.

"At least a couple rounds," Liz gave her a pleading look, "I just- I want us to be ready."

"Okay, fine," Lennon sighed, knowing she couldn't argue with the captain of the team. Well, she could, but she didn't see the point.

Peter on the other hand desperately wanted to get this over with so he and Lennon could talk. He figured the faster they talked, the more time he had to check on Ned and the tracking process of the bad guy.

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