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"Look who finally decided to show up."
Lennon looked up from Tony's notes to see Dylan standing there, arms crossed with a smirk on her face.
She quickly went to hug her, both girls relaxing in each other's arms.
"I'm sorry I disappeared. I just... I needed time."
"I get it," Dylan shrugged when they pulled away, "And I'm sorry I wasn't there for the big fight... I was on Morgan duty with Harry."
"Harry. Jesus. I can't believe you two are seriously five years older than me now."
"I'm officially the older sister- and you're the middle. Congrats."
Lennon bit her lip nervously, "Does um... does Morgan know about me at all?"
"Are you kidding?" Dylan gave her a look, "As soon as she became old enough to understand us, there wasn't a day that went by where we didn't talk about you or tell her all kinds of stories about her big sister Lennon."
"Great. So..."
"She can't wait to meet you. Granted, she's still a little confused with dad and everything that happened..."
"I cannot be the one to explain that to her. I promised him I would stop the crying the day of the funeral and it's literally taken everything in me not to cry today- especially being in here."
"He made sure we did everything just like you said," Dylan smiled proudly as she looked around the room, "He wanted to honor you, while secretly trying to find a way to bring you back even though he told us we all had to move on."
"Of course he didn't keep his promise."
"Like you're going to keep yours."
"Lennon?" Pepper came in cautiously, her little girl hiding behind her legs, "Someone here was wondering if you'd like to go on an adventure with her."
Lennon smiled softly, "Cmon, mom. No need to talk in third person. Of course I'll go on an adventure with you."
Morgan was giggling now as she moved out from behind Pepper, "Not her, silly! Me!"
"You?" Lennon gasped, going over to her, "Sorry, I've been on a trip for five years now. I don't think we've ever met. I'm Lennon Maria Stark. Who are you?"
"Morgan Howard Stark."
"How-" Lennon stood up straight to give Pepper a look, "You seriously tortured my baby sister by giving her Howard as a middle name?"
"Hey, you already claimed Maria. And... Tony insisted his girls be named after his parents."
"Right... so, what do you want to do on this adventure, Morgan?"
As Morgan began to tell her all about her secret pathway, Lennon tried her hardest not to let herself get distracted and give her full attention to her little sister.