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"I'm staying!"

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"I'm staying!"

"No way!"

Peter instantly had Lennon in his arms, spinning her around happily, ignoring the weird looks he got from other students.

"You're staying!" he repeated, a giant smile on his face as he set her down.

"I am," she smiled too when he continued to hold her close, "Turns out my family likes the city more than I thought they did."

"Thank god," he sighed in relief, laying his head on her shoulder, "I don't know what I would've done if you really left."

"You would've been fine," she smiled softly, rubbing his back comfortingly, "I am glad you don't have to find out though."

"Would you look at that," Flash cooed, snapping them out of their little world, "Mr. and Mrs. Stark."

"Eugene," Lennon gave him a look when she pulled away.

"Relax, I think it's cute," Flash winked, "Which, by the way. As the newest Avenger. Surely, you want to please your fans?"

"Oh god," Lennon frowned, "What do you want?"

Flash immediately held out pictures of her with a sharpie, a smile on his face.

"You just have those pictures of her?" Peter was creeped out to say the least.

"What? After that press conference yesterday, this is all anyone could talk about. I need to keep your fans happy. Anyone who doesn't live in New York wants a piece of you. This is how I'd do it."

"Well, normally I'd tell you to fuck off. But, whatever. Just... don't scam people."

Lennon didn't know how it happened but one second she was standing next to Peter as he watched her sign then the next she was surrounded by a bunch of people all asking for signatures and pictures.

The whole thing was crazy to her but she still signed, wanting to both get out of the situation and make her friends happy.

By the time she was done, Peter was both surprised and happy for her.

"Is this going to happen all the time now?"

"I hope not," Lennon mumbled, flexing her hand, "I don't think I could handle that everyday."

"It's the price of being a superstar, Lenn," Peter joked.

"Shut up," she giggled as she finally opened her locker before remembering what she actually had in her bag, "Act nice or you won't get your surprise."

"Surprise?" Peter perked up instantly.

"Well, basically now that I'm officially staying," Lennon held out the brown bag to him, "I figured there's no problem with you hiding the suit in your room. I have all the time in the world to convince May to like me again."

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