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"Two months. Two months is a long time to wait for you to ask me to be your girlfriend, Peter Parker."
"Nah, too forward."
"Shouldn't she be forward? She's pissed- and rightfully so."
Lennon knew going to Dylan and Harry for their advice on her situation with Peter was a bad idea yet somehow they were the only sane choice she could think of.
Sure, they were annoying her now but she knew if she went to Michelle with this problem, she'd just tell her 'fuck Peter. All guys suck. You want something to focus on? Focus on what's actually important.'
Lennon already made it a point to donate money to all the organizations Michelle's mentioned. She felt like she already knew them all by heart, which is also why she knew just what she'd say.
"I just don't get why he hasn't asked you yet," Harry frowned, "What could possibly be taking up his time?"
"He's in love with my dad," Lennon scoffed.
"That's putting it lightly," Dylan scoffed, "He's been so obsessed with that internship of his that he's rarely around anymore to give me the chance to make sure Lennon gets caught with him in her room."
"I still can't believe you were seriously trying to get me in trouble for so long," Lennon glared at her.
"What? You getting in trouble means they finally lay off of me and Harry is allowed into my room again."
"You see, I actually know how to ask someone to be my girlfriend," Harry smirked.
Peter chose the wrong time to walk into the school with Ned, the first thing he saw being Lennon choking Harry and Dylan attempting to get her off of him.
"What are we missing here?" Ned laughed when he joined them.
"You're a horrible best friend."
"Bite me."
"That's Peter's job."
"Jesus, Harry!" Dylan quickly stood between them, "I'd really like it if Lennon didn't kill my first boyfriend ever."
"Fine, fine. I'm sorry, Lenn," he huffed, holding his hand out, "Truce."
"Lennon Stark, do not take that as a chance to throw him to the ground."
Harry immediately retracted his hand, "Fuck. I should've known that. We're best friends."
She only faked a smile at him, simply brushing him off as he and Dylan walked away and she was left alone with Ned and Peter who couldn't take his eyes off his phone.