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"You're scared, aren't you?"
Turning around from the mirror, Lennon looked at Tony who smiled softly at her.
"If you don't want to do this so bad, honey, why are you doing it at all?"
"For Dylan," she sighed, "She deserves the chance at a normal life- one I'm sure her parents would've wanted for her."
"Man," Tony now smiled to himself as he went over to hug her, "How did I end up with such a selfless daughter?"
"She was raised by an amazing dad and mom," she mumbled, wrapping her arms around him and burying her head in his chest.
"You're gonna do great, kiddo," Tony sighed as he rubbed her back soothingly, "If anyone can get through the pesky little things that are high schoolers, it's you."
"You can't say stuff like that," Lennon smiled when she pulled away, "Pretty soon I'll be one of those high schoolers."
"Ugh," he rolled his eyes dramatically, "Don't remind me- I might have to disown you."
"Dad!" she laughed, making him smile.
"What? It might have to happen, Lenn. I'm sorry but with all this talk about high school and boys? I can't have that."
"The sooner you realize your little girl is no longer a little girl, the better for both of us."
"Mhm... But you'll always be my girl, right?"
"Always," she smiled, "And actually, I was hoping you could drop us off at school."
"Oh, I was hoping you'd ask! I have the car downstairs waiting."
Lennon laughed seeing Tony walk off excitedly, giving her a chance to actually recompose herself before they finally did leave for the first day of high school.
Starting off school for the first time since she left when Tony first became Iron Man was pretty nerve wrecking for her.
She normally wouldn't have let someone's words scare her from anything or even bother her for that matter but when it came to Tony, she really couldn't help it.
Her whole life, even before the Iron Man suit, he was her hero and the thought of not being able to protect him when all he's done his whole life is protect her, it felt horrible.
Still, she knew she couldn't avoid school or even other people her age for the rest of her life so Lennon was determined to get through the day and see where this high school was like.
When she made her way downstairs, she was surprised to see Dylan and Harry already waiting in the car with Tony- and not surprised at all to see Dylan falling asleep on Harry's shoulder.