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By the time Lennon got off the flight, Brad surprisingly made her feel a lot better- despite everything that had been on her mind previously.
She stuck by him even when they arrived at the airport, hesitant to rejoin Peter and MJ.
He may have said he wanted to sit with her but what if he was just lying so he wouldn't get caught?
"I will never forgive you for leaving me like that," Michelle grumbled when she stood in front of Lennon and Brad.
"Why?" Lennon frowned.
"Weren't you sitting next to Betty and Ned?" Brad asked too.
"Funny story. I asked Betty to switch with me cause Ned was being so loud and what do you know? They hit it off. Now they're a damn couple."
"Damn. They worked fast. What did I do wrong, Lennon?"
"Shut up, Brad," Lennon rolled her eyes playfully.
"You're too young for her, kid."
"I- am going to walk away before I get bullied further," Brad huffed, making Lennon laugh when he actually did leave them.
"So, what was that about on the plane? You offering the switch when Peter obviously wanted to sit with you."
"Did he?" Lennon asked skeptically.
Before either of them could talk about it more, Mr. Harrington ushered all the students to customs where some would get their bags checked.
Lennon was one of the lucky ones, standing not too far from Peter who offered her a small smile.
"Ms. Stark," the worker smiled sadly at her, "Sorry for your loss."
"Thank you," she forced a smile when the woman opened her bag.
She looked over at Peter who also gave her a sympathetic look but for a completely different reason. That helped her feel a bit better- but what did it more was seeing what was in his suitcase.
Her eyes widened and she covered her mouth, making Peter instantly look at his suitcase, his heart dropping seeing his Spider-man suit.
Before he could even talk himself out of it, the clueless worker simply took the banana out. By the time they were done, they left together while Lennon was still laughing.
"It's not funny," Peter whined, "That was seriously so close!"
"I think it's cool May is finally super okay with Spidey," she smiled, "Remember when she hated me for it and him?"
"Yeah. But you helped her change her mind. I still can't thank you enough for that."
"S'no problem," Lennon shrugged, "I know how important he is to you."