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"And then you just gently pull that right there- perfect

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"And then you just gently pull that right there- perfect."

The seven year old smiled up at her father who ruffled her hair slightly.

"Okay, squirt. Do you know what to do next?"

She said nothing and instead grabbed the tool to do exactly what she knew she needed to do- without the help of her father.

When she was finished, Tony shook his head as he looked down at her.

"When did you become such a smartass?"

The little girl only giggled when he ruffled her hair again, the two laughing amongst themselves, completely unaware of Pepper making her way into the lab.

"Really, Tony?"

"Wh- what did I do now?" he huffed, turning to his daughter with a small smirk on his face, "Ms. Potts just always likes to yell at daddy, doesn't she?"

"Yeah," she giggled.

Pepper rolled her eyes, "Len, cmon sweetheart. You have to eat breakfast."

"But I already had breakfast!"

"Oh dear lord," she couldn't help but laugh now, "Amuse me, Tony. What did you give your daughter for breakfast?"

"Only her absolute favorite! Ice cream."

"That is not- Lennon, let's go."

"But I was helping daddy," Lennon pouted, looking over at Tony who gave her a reassuring smile.

"Go ahead, kiddo. I won't do a thing without you."


"Pinky promise."

Pepper smiled watching the two do their 'super special pinky promise' before Lennon placed a kiss on her father's cheek and ran off.

"Breakfast is on the table and Jarvis already has Law and Order: SVU on for you."

Tony continued to smile watching an excited Lennon run off, leaving him and Pepper alone.

"That kid is just beyond her years, isn't she?"

"She is. I wonder where she gets that from- can't be you."

"Ha ha."

Upstairs Lennon eagerly watched her favorite TV show while eating the big breakfast Pepper prepared for her and was surprised to say the least when a woman she didn't recognize walked out of her father's room wearing only his dress shirt as she looked around the house in awe.

She stopped short seeing the young brunette sitting at the massive table.

"Why hello. You must be Lennon."

"Lennon Maria Stark," Lennon frowned, "But you can call me Ms. Stark."

"Right," the woman laughed, stopping immediately when she saw the serious look on her face, "Right. Um... Ms. Stark, do you happen to know where your father is?"

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