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"Remember. He can trick you with his projections."
"How am I supposed to know the difference though? Or even have the power to not get lost in them? I don't have the Peter tingle."
Peter closed his eyes out of embarrassment, "I asked you not to call it that."
"Calm down. It isn't the worst name in the world."
"How is it not?"
"Have you forgotten there are bigger fish to fry other than your Peter tingle name?"
"How about Spidey sense? That sounds cooler."
"Peter, I can't go in blind. You need to give me some tips. Anything to help."
"The biggest tip I could give you is to not fight."
"You don't have your suit. That can't be safe."
"I have a suit on- just not the one you like," Lennon scoffed, "I'll have you know Nat fought in the field a bunch of times with a suit just like this and she was a always okay."
"Fine," Peter sighed, "But the second you get so much as a scratch, I want you out."
"My dad wasn't ever able to control me," she gave him a look, "You really think you could?"
"I just don't want you to get hurt," Peter frowned, "You know if anything were to happen to you..."
Lennon bit her lip seeing him upset, "Is this the part where you finally tell me what Beck made you see?"
"N-no. I- I don't want to relive that."
"Okay. Well, we both know I won't be able to be a distraction for long. You have to get to Beck as soon as you can because he's most likely going to use my dad against me."
"I'll make it as soon as I can. Hopefully he doesn't put too much firepower on me."
"Oh no. You should expect that. Just like how I know my conversation with him isn't going to be pleasant at all."
"I know you can handle him."
"Right. I am a Stark after all, huh?"
Peter only smiled at her, the two leaving each other's side now that they got to London, getting into position for what they could only hope was their final fight with Beck.
Beck wasn't surprised when Lennon showed up. But he didn't exactly seem like he was too worried either. He was more focused on Peter and making sure he didn't destroy anymore drones than he already has.
"Hey, Quentin."
"Why, if it isn't Ms. Lennon Stark. I'm surprised to see you here," he smirked when he finally turned around after seeing Peter fall.