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"Daddy... what did you do?"
"Let's not talk about that right now, sweetheart. Look, meet daddy's... acquaintance Mr. Fury. And don't make it weird that he only has one eye."
Lennon rolled her eyes at him before holding her hand out for Fury to take, "Hello there. I'm Lennon Maria Stark."
"Hello, Lennon Maria Stark. I trust that you are the more responsible one between you and your father."
"I am, sir. And I'm sorry for anything bad that he did, I swear my daddy didn't mean it."
Fury just smirked at Tony who shook his head, patting Lennon's shoulder, "Go pack a bag, kid. You can't stay here tonight. There's too many... holes."
"I don't know why you fought uncle Rhodey- or stopped him from taking your suit."
"That's something I'd like to know too," Fury agreed.
Tony rolled his eyes, "Just- go pack, Lenn."
Lennon giggled but did as she was told, running off to quickly do so, not wanting to miss anything of this cool new mystery guy in her dad's life.
She stopped short when she returned though seeing the redhead now join the two men, a smile instantly growing on her face while Tony grew worried about having to lie to his daughter just to keep Natasha's secret identity a secret.
"Natasha!" Lennon beamed, quick to run into her arms- surprising both Tony and Fury.
So much for secret identity.
"You told her?"
"She knows?! And you! You didn't tell me- you traitor."
"I'm sorry," she pouted, "But Natasha made me promise not to tell- and I always keep my promises."
"When did she even tell you?!"
"Yesterday when we were fighting," Lennon bit her lip.
"I'm sorry- fighting?"
"Agent Romanoff," Fury began, Natasha was smirking though.
"She's a natural, Tony."
"She shouldn't be fighting at all."
"I wanna join Shield when I'm old enough," Lennon ignored Tony and instead looked up at Fury excitedly, "Nat says she can keep training me when I join!"
"You're not joining Shield."
"I don't know, it'd be helpful to have one smart Stark on our team," Fury joked, only earning a glare from Tony that didn't phase him one bit, "Okay. Guess that's my cue. Ms. Stark, your first mission: make sure your dad stays here. Copy?"