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"We're going to Prague!"
"We got an upgrade!" Mr. Harrington said excitedly.
Everyone was excited seeing the big expensive looking bus waiting for them and while Lennon was more than eager to get out of that shit hole of a hotel, she definitely didn't miss Peter's panicked look as he talked to Ned.
So, while everyone was piling on the bus, she made her way to him who immediately stiffened up when he saw her.
"He-hey Lennon."
"What happened last night?"
"What do you mean? No-nothing happened. I went to my room and slept. That's it."
"That's it?"
"Ye-yeah. Of course."
"And you're sure nothing else happened?"
"Positive," Peter forced a smile.
Lennon slowly nodded, disappointment evident in her face and Peter didn't miss that.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing. Just... I guess I thought we'd always be honest with each other but... but obviously I was wrong."
This time Peter's smile dropped and he looked confused.
"Wait. Lennon, I-"
"Wanna be seat buddies, Lenn?" Brad asked eagerly.
"Sure," she smiled at him, "At least I know I can trust you."
"What? Lennon-"
She just walked away with Brad following.
"What just happened there?"
"Nothing," she forced a smile, "Please tell me you have a movie downloaded on your phone."
"Don't worry. I came prepared."
While Brad took her mind off of things yet again, Lennon realized she wanted nothing more than to feel something for him other than just a friend.
He was essentially a great guy. One who had been there for her when she needed him and didn't give her any bullshit. And especially didn't hide things like Peter was obviously doing as he sat in the back all by himself.
But she couldn't. As much as she wanted to, all she felt when she laid her head on his shoulder as they watched a movie was friendship.
Hell, she couldn't even really focus on the movie because all she was thinking about was Peter and how much she wanted to talk to him.
Because last night wasn't nothing like he was trying to play it off. It truly felt like that wasn't the only thing he was keeping from her either.
Michelle reminded her about that when she joined her on their break.