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"How would you girls feel about a farm?"

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"How would you girls feel about a farm?"

"One with a tire swing outback?" Lennon's eyes lit up.

"Oh! And a treehouse!" Dylan added, "I've always seen those in movies and wanted one myself!"

"Sounds lame."

Tony frowned as he turned around to face Harry, "Why are you here again, kid?"

"We're the three musketeers," Dylan smirked, "Wherever we go, Harry goes."

"Didn't realize I adopted a boy too," Tony huffed, making Lennon shoot him a look.


"I'm kidding! Besides, I'm sure when you go back to school, I'll be seeing less of you. Right?"


"Unless," Dylan began, "We go to school with him."

Tony instantly stopped the car, exchanging looks with Lennon before the two looked behind them at Dylan and Harry.


"What?" Dylan frowned, "I want to be a normal kid for once and go to a regular school. Not be stuck with Lennon as my only friend- no offense."

"Offense taken," Lennon huffed as she turned forward again.

Tony cleared his throat, "Well, sorry Dylan. Madame president has spoken. High school is a no."

Dylan frowned but said nothing as Tony continued to drive.

She didn't think anymore of the conversation which definitely disappointed Harry a bit- and he made sure to voice that frustration when Lennon was gone.

"You're just going to give up like that?"

"Duh," Dylan shrugged as if it were no big deal, "It's her house, not mine."

"When Tony and Pepper adopted you, you became a part of the house-"

"But I'm not their daughter. And I made that very clear. Lennon has final say on everything."

"But you don't care that she does?"

"Not really. She's the reason I'm even here and not stuck in a homeless shelter. I can handle being homeschooled, especially since it means that I don't have to wake up early."

Harry was still upset, which made Dylan realize this was a bigger problem than she expected.

"Wow. You really wanted us to go to school with you, huh?"

"I just- I feel so lonely. Everyone either wants to be my friend for my dad or my house or my money. I don't know who to trust anymore. But with you two... with you two, I know you're my real friends so I thought it'd be awesome to go to school with you two but..."

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