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Lennon never imagined having a boyfriend so she never imagined how Tony might react when she would have her first one- not that Peter was officially her boyfriend yet.
Still, she didn't expect him to act so cold.
After having enough of how distant he was being from just that one day, she made the trip up to the Avengers facility where her father sat with an old phone in his hand.
He looked up immediately, putting the phone to the side as he sighed, "Hey, Lenn."
"Listen, I know you're mad about the kiss with Peter-"
"Fuck. I forgot all about that."
"You did?"
"Friday. Send a suit to Parker's house. Run Three men and a baby."
"Three men and a- you had a suit programmed to scare off any future boyfriends?"
"Not scare off, just inform. I had five made for you but then we got Dylan so now there's ten. Harry didn't complain when I sent him his."
"Jesus- is that why he made so many references to that movie?"
"I would say I'm surprised he didn't tell you but I may have programmed into the suit that if they did I'd lock them in a cell at the facility."
"Sorry I didn't send it sooner. I can't believe that kiss slipped my mind," he buried his head in his hands.
"Wait," her anger immediately disappeared as she went to sit next to him, "So you're not mad at me for that kiss with Peter?"
"Why would I be mad at you? It's him I should be mad at."
"No. It's none of us. I- dad, if you weren't upset about that, what are you so upset about?"
Tony really didn't want to tell her anything that had happened- especially what he found out about Bucky but he knew, once again, that he couldn't keep any secrets from her.
Well, he could, but it just wouldn't feel right. He had to tell her. So, he did, he told her every little detail and it wasn't hard to miss the look on her face, or her shaking hands that she tried to hide but failed miserably.
"I don't want you to be angry now, honey. That's why I didn't want to tell you."
"I know. It's just- it's so hard, dad," she sighed, "Your whole life you were never truly appreciated. Whether it was the press who labeled you to be a playboy no good Stark-"
"In their defense, I acted that way before you came along."
"Or the people who don't appreciate all you've done for the world," Lennon gave him a look, "I just... I feel like that all started with your dad. And I... I can't help but wonder how things could've been different if he lived. If Captain Bullshit's BFF didn't kill your parents."