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"So... have you spoken to mom?"
"Right before you showed up after not listening to me and going home," Tony whispered, "after I told her I sent you home."
"No, no," he quickly stopped her, "You don't get to use your daddy's little girl power on me. I'm pissed."
"I know."
"And now- shit," Tony and Lennon were surprised to see a cloak there with them, "Wow you're a seriously loyal piece of outerwear, aren't you?"
"Is that the wizards?"
"Yeah but-"
"Speaking of loyalty."
Both Lennon and Tony were surprised again to see Peter jump down quietly to join them.
"Pete!" she smiled, quick to hug him as he hugged her back when his mask came off.
"Jesus- do you two just not listen when I talk?!" Tony whispered, already glaring at them.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Stark," Peter sighed, "And I- I know what you're gonna say.
"You should not be here," he continued to glare at them when the cloak moved to stand on his side, "Neither of you."
"I was gonna go home-"
"I wasn't," Lennon crossed her arms.
"I just- I don't want to hear it. Not a single word from both of you."
"But it was such a long way down and I just thought about you on the way," Peter continued, ignoring both him and Lennon.
"And now I gotta hear it."
"And I kinda stuck to the side of the ship. And this suit is ridiculously intuitive, by the way. So if anything, it's kinda your fault that I'm here."
Lennon covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing so loud while both Tony and the cloak looked at Peter shocked.
"What did you just say?"
"Sorry! I meant it was Lennon's fault?"
"Excuse me?" she immediately stopped laughing to glare at him herself.
"Sorry. I take it back. All of it. I just- can we restart? I mean, we're in space, this is a good of place as any."
"Yeah. Exactly where I didn't want either of you to be," Tony scoffed, "This isn't some Vulture or guys robbing a bank. This is the big leagues. This is a one way trip and neither of you thought that through."
"I thought it through," Lennon argued.
"Me too. You can't be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man if there's no neighborhood," Peter defended himself. Only slouching when he saw the look the Starks were giving him, "Okay, fine that doesn't make so much sense but-"