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"So... that's why I'm glad to announce... the newest member of the Avengers..."

Everyone could see Pepper was having a hard time with the news. Lennon couldn't exactly blame her. She always worried about her wellbeing in general, she couldn't imagine how her mom would be once she actually started working with the Avengers.

"My beautiful daughter," Tony took over to announce for her, "The incredible, Lennon Maria Stark."

The reporters went crazy, the cameras going off when Lennon joined them on stage, a big smile on her face trying to take it all in.

Questions were coming in from every direction and they did their best to try to answer them as much as they could with Pepper controlling the whole thing.

"So, are you going to be Iron Woman?" one of the reporters asked.

"I... I hadn't actually thought of a name," Lennon blushed, "But I'm open to suggestions."

The group went crazy again, Lennon hearing everything from Iron Woman to Iron Lady to just Iron Man Jr.

She heard nothing she liked. Not that she minded though. She felt like she had all the time to decide, especially when her and Peter left the facility to his place and they talked about said decision.

"You'd seriously prefer Iron Woman to Iron Lady?"

"Yeah? Being called a lady is just... weird. A woman just feels better."

"How about Iron Maiden?" Peter suggested.


"I think it sounds cool," he shrugged, "It's something new and you are a maiden."

"You can't be serious," Lennon couldn't help but laugh. When she saw he wasn't laughing too, she knew he was completely serious, "Oh god, Peter."


"I was going to suggest we explore the city in our suits but we obviously have a lot of homework to do."

"But I don't have a suit," Peter frowned, "My old one didn't exactly survive the fight with Mr. Toomes."

"Funny you mention that," Lennon bit her lip, already reaching in her bag, "Before we left, dad gave me permission to give this back to you."

Peter immediately perked up at that, sighing in relief when he saw her pull out his suit.


"It was always yours to begin with," she gave him a look, "Dad should've never taken it away."

"Well, he definitely had every right too," Peter shrugged as he took it from her, "Even though it sucked. I got why he did it. Still, thanks for giving it back."

"You're welcome," she smirked, "So, get dressed and we'll go on a little adventure around the city."

Peter quickly agreed and Lennon left to give him the chance to get dressed in private.

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