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Shifting her weight, May held her resume close to her chest as if she was afraid someone would try to peak and steal her answers. Biting her lip and squeezing herself into a corner as someone else came and sat on the other side of the bench, May tried ignoring the old man. He looked over once or twice but decided the small talk wasn't worth it and got up to read the flyers hanging on a bulletin board.

Watching him for a second she hung her head as two women walked by and laughed loudly. She didn't want them to think she was listening to them so she stared at the worn pants that covered her legs. She'd had them since she was a sophomore in high school and she was never able to get rid of the stain that was close to her belt loop.

"May Booth?" 

Getting up the young girl smiled awkwardly and stood frozen.

Smiling back warmly the blonde woman pointed towards her office, "You can come in."

Scurrying past her, the brunette let her curls fly behind as she rushed to sit in the old leather chair in front of the desk.

Closing the door slowly, the older woman took her time seating herself, using her slow walk to study the nervous girl. She hadn't let her brown eyes come up from the floor the entire time and her milky white skin somehow turned pale as she clenched her hands like she was afraid of her paper being taken away from her.

Gulping as the woman finally sat, May let her eyes peer up to the woman's hands who moved some papers around before holding her hand out. "Do you have a resume May?"

Nodding, she handed the paper over and looked at the scratched up plaque that read 'Natalia Simmons.'

Raising an eyebrow, Natalia read the short few sentences that said she was dependable and trustworthy. "You've never worked anywhere else?" She spoke softly flipping the paper over to see if there was more.

May shook her head and kept her head down.

"I appreciate the fact that you are trustworthy." Natalia linked her fingers together and sat up straighter. "Are you a fast learner?"

"No." She whispered.

Taking a few seconds to nod, Natalia smiled and looked around her brown out of date office then held her hand to her mouth trying not to laugh.

May glanced up nervously in time to see the older woman run her hand through her grown out blonde hair. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No honey." She replied quickly. "You didn't do anything wrong." Her words faded as she looked at the young girl sitting across from her. May's body tensed up as her eyes shot back down "Why do you want a job at a supermarket?"

"No one else will hire me."

Natalia smiled again, "Well I've been doing interviews all day long...Young, old, experienced and new..." she leaned forward, "but you're different."

"I can try to be more like everyone else." May sat up a little more in her chair causing it to creek, "If that helps."

Hearing her slight southern twang, Natalia shook her head lightly, "I don't want that."

"There's a man out there that I think is applying for the job too." She furrowed her brows, "His resume was laminated."

Looking down at the college ruled paper that May had given her, the older woman cleared her throat. "It doesn't matter how fancy it is. I want to know more about you." She placed her hands together and rested her chin on her fingers, "If that's alright."

Sliding back in her chair, the brunette nodded and pushed her hair back behind her ear.

"You grew up here?"

She nodded, studying the cracking tile.

"You just graduated high school?"


"Good grades?"


Natalia nodded and folded the resume up, "Can I keep this?"

May took a few seconds before deciding, "yes."

"Is there a number I can call if I want to talk to you more about the job?"

The younger girl picked her nails in thought trying to figure out what to say, "No." still avoiding the woman's eye contact May looked around and studied the few pictures that hung on the wooden wall. She stood with a man in one, a tall and proud fellow with a large mustache and short hair. The other directly below it showed a dog. A large fluffy one with kind eyes and a lot of drool.

"We will figure it out." Natalia commented cleaning up her desk some more and standing up. "It was very nice meeting you."

Looking at the hand that shot out, May took it slowly and shook it softly. Her father used to tell her a strong grip was a good first impression but she could never bring herself to squeeze someone else's hand. Turning and leaving, May didn't bother to look back as she passed the man who still starred at the bulletin board.

Maybe working at a supermarket wasn't the best idea anyways. She just wanted to prove her mother wrong, to show her she was capable of taking care of herself..but she didn't know how hard it was.

How was she supposed to get a job when she didn't have a laminator?


Stopping at the entrance where the automatic doors swung open for her, the brunette backed up seeing the blonde jog over to her. The clicks from her small heels getting closer.

Natalia brought her sweater in more and put her pen in her pocket as she smiled at some passing customers. "When can you start?"

"Start what?"

She smiled, "Working for me."

"Oh." May moved over for a woman determined to go grocery shopping. "Anytime."

"How about next Monday?"


Natalia gave a thumbs up and an awkward laugh, "very good, I'll see you Monday then."

Crossing her arms, the petite girl watched the happy woman head back to her office.

"What-" She looked around seeing if anyone heard her. "What's today?"

The blonde stopped and turned her body slowly, "it's Friday."

May nodded quickly and walked out the automatic doors that were ready for her.

Standing still for a second, Natalia watched the glass doors slide closed.

"Excuse me are you the manager?"

Turning to the old man, she smiled warmly, "Yes what can I help you with?"

Walking with him back down the hallway, his words faded as she turned her head looking at the still closed doors before closing her own door to her office.

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