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Natalia stirred her cup of tea while looking out at her dark empty living room. Frank slept soundly as the rain poured outside, but the blonde leaned on her cabinet nervously. She had been out searching for hours but she had no idea where May had gone. She's never felt so scared before.

Was she ok?

Glancing over at the plate's in the sink from their breakfast earlier in the day. She sighed wondering if the dishes were going to go back to how they used to be. She didn't want them too, she liked washing both their plates. It made her happy to get two glasses out with lunch and fill both of them up with water. She didn't want to cook for one again.

Frank sat up and whined loudly making Natalia tilt her head and smile. Even he missed the way the way May cuddled with him on the couch.

One of her favorite things was watching this huge dog lay over May like a blanket, to some that might be annoying.

Having a heavy, smelly, animal laying on top of you, but the girl loved it. She would fall asleep with him. They both would snore and Natalia listened to that in the recliner like she would listen to music.

Jumping down from the couch Frank went to the door and scratched it lightly.

"It's raining buddy." Nat whispered walking to the door to get the leash. "Are you sure you want out now?" Taking his tail wag as a yes she opened the door slowly and stopped seeing the petite girl sitting on the bottom step, her back against the wall and her eyes fluttering with the rain drops.

She wanted to run over to her and make sure she was ok but she knew that wasn't what she needed to do. Instead the older woman sat on the soaked top step.

"Why does it always rain when I'm sad?" May whispered never looking over.

Biting her lip and looking out at the trees take the beating from nature she took a large breathe to help calm her nerves. "It doesn't rain when you're sad, it rains BECAUSE you're sad."

May furrowed her brows.

"It's the universes way of showing you you're not alone." Nat whispered wrapping her arms around herself. She knew the girl was probably cold too. "You can cry together."

The brunette didn't say anything as she raised her legs up to her chest and looked at her soaked clothes. After listening to the rain for a while she put her head on her knees. "I'm sorry."

Nat smiled kindly.

Getting up slowly May crawled up the steps until she was one under the woman and laid her head in her knees.

The blonde put her hand on her back and closed her eyes trying not to cry from the relief she felt.

Letting her finger trace the outlines of the woman's shoe May sniffed lightly, "If you do want something from me I think it's worth it."

Biting the inside of her mouth Nat nodded, "You were right, that's how the world works baby. People always want something." She brushed the girl's wet hair back, "but what they want might not always be bad."

Looking up May waited for her to continue.

"I want for you to trust me." The older woman slid down a step to make her look her in the eye. "I know that's easier said than done but thats what I want from you, ok?"

May nodded as they wrapped their arms around each other.

"You have to trust me with every little thing and you have to tell me what I need to do. Even if all you need is for me to leave you alone. I can do that baby, we can figure things out without you running away from me." Nat whispered rocking her back and Forth. "I'll never understand but I can be there to hold you ok?"

Standing up slowly the woman grabbed Mays hand tightly like she was afraid to let go of her again. She led them both inside so the rain wasn't falling on them anymore and she led them to the bathroom where she sat May down on the side of the bathtub.

May didn't even object as her sticky wet shirt slipped off of her. She even smiled feeling the warmth of a fresh towel wrapped around her. She knew she had a lot to work on but she realized something in that moment. As much flaws as everyone had she really did believe Nat had none. As she still stood soaked in her clothes she untied Mays shoes and slipped them off making sure she was warm before anything else.

The yellow light of the bathroom reflecting off of the older woman's blonde wet hair making May smile. Before she was able to take the clothes to the laundry May grabbed her hand and looked at her with her large brown eyes. Pleading with her to not leave.

The woman listened turning back around and getting on her knees so their eyes could be at the same level. Their lips coming together slowly.

She imagined the kiss felt like what others would compare to feeling the first warm day of the year. Their hands just wanting to bring each other closer.

All their stress and nerves washing away like the mud outside did as it slid down the hills. Their lips not wanting to break apart as they got up and stumbled to the bed.

Falling into the cotton comforter and silk linings like they were clouds the two woman rolled around with each other soaking the blankets with their wet hair.

Their moans weren't coming from anything sexual. Even though they both stripped themselves to be bare their moans came from their want to be closer. The kisses and scratches not being enough as they pushed more.

The older woman holding her down roughly making her sink into the mattress as she showered her with more love than the rain ever could.

When the passion finally fizzled into a thin flame May fluttered her eyelashes and gave a cute smile as the older woman laying on top of her ran her thumb over her lips. The words that wanted to come out of each of their mouths stayed tucked away as their eyes did the speaking for them.

Finally the blonde laid her head down letting her own lips graze the girl's ear. "I love you May." She let her own eyelashes tickle her cheek. "Please don't leave again."

Looking up at the ceiling feeling her warm breathe on her the brunette only nodded as the feelings caught in her throat. She couldn't speak with how swollen her heart felt.

Nat didn't mind though, she laid on her side and pulled the girl towards her. Leaving no part of May without love as her arms protected her like a shield.


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