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"All I'm saying is that if you want to mark everything as free it's not a garage sell it's just charity." Seth sipped his drink and rolled his eyes. "You know how she is."

"I can't promise my mom won't be there to try and bargain." Nat laughed and stirred her lemon water with her straw. Looking over at May who picked her bread apart she sighed, "You can always come over after you two get into your yearly fight."

"Oh for sure. She calls me a sinful fag, I call her a dirty old hag and after two hours of hiding out she'll call and demand I go through her make up." He looked over at the brunette to make her feel apart of the conversation. "It will all be out of date and then we get to go shopping."

The young girl just smiled but kept her eyes down as the waiter brought them their box for their leftovers. Taking it a little too eagerly May started putting her food neatly into the box. She was so excited to put it in the fridge and finish it tomorrow at work. She was never able to keep leftovers because if her family ever did eat out their fridge would sometimes get turned off.

"Oh my god Reggie!" Seth flipped off a cop that walked in, "You look like shit."

"He went to school with us too." Natalia whispered in May's ear resting her arm behind her.

Watching the police officer take off his hat and shake hands with Seth, May looked back down and closed her box.

He turned towards the two girls, "You look great Nat." He leaned forward hugging the blonde and eyeing May. "Been a while."

The brunette didn't listen in to their short conversation. She only etched her name into her to go box with her fork, luckily the time went by fast and as the rest of Reggie's police friends came in they went to sit down leaving Seth to complain about all his problems again.

Natalia listened with a smile though, nodding when she was supposed to and laughing at his poor choice of jokes. She was always so good at making other people feel good. sometimes she wondered if it was an act with her like it was with everyone else. She couldn't be that happy all the time could she?

Taking some cash out of her pocket May hid it under the salt and pepper shaker for their waiter as they got up to leave.

"If I call you for a nightcap it's because my moms sleeping pills probably haven't kicked in. Just tell me no!" Seth beeped his car and strutted away humming to the song on the speaker.

May watched Nat wave at her friend before the older woman turned towards her and handed her their full box of leftovers. "I'll go pay for everything just wait here for me."

Sitting in the middle of the large red leather stool May tilted her head and watched the group of police men that sat in the middle of the restaurant laughing loudly. Their conversations overriding anyone else's as they clicked their beers and shoved the on the house food in their mouths.

Everyone didn't seem to mind though, even Natalia laughed with them as they said something to her.

Clenching her jaw she wondered why a badge all of a sudden made these people good guys.

They put on sunglasses and took a vow which made them instantly likable.


She didn't like them. She saw past the badge.

"Are you ready babe?" Natalia shoved the receipt into her pocket and furrowed her brows, "What's wrong?"

May didn't hear her.

All she could hear was the ringing of their silverware hitting their plates and scratching the surface of the table. It echoed in her ear so loudly that her eyes couldn't peel away from them.

And when he looked over at her and winked she didn't even realize the food Nat had given her to carry spilled onto the floor making a mess.

Blinking a few times she glanced down at the blonde apologizing to the server and helping her pick food off of the floor. Why was her heart racing? Why was she letting him get to her again.

Backing up May left the restaurant and looked around the busy parking lot. It was misting slightly but that didn't stop the bugs from buzzing around the lamp posts.

Breathing deeply she leaned on the brick wall to catch her breathe. Her lungs feeling like they were overriding. Like the mist was turning into a thick fog of gas that made her want to pass out.

"Baby what's wrong?" Nat ran out after her and bent down slightly trying to get her to look at her, "You look like you've seen a ghost May." She caressed her pale face and put her hand over the young girl's heart. Feeling how fast it was racing she grabbed her hand trying to pull her to the car. "Let's go home."

Pulling her hand away the brunette wiped her nose and shook her head. "I can't." She whimpered.

"Yes you can baby come on."

"Stop!" May yelled backing up. "Stop trying to fix everything!"

Nat opened her mouth slightly trying to think of what to say. She didn't know what was going on or what had triggered her but it seemed to be worse than before. Worse than she's ever seen.

"I'm not trying to fix it I just want to help." The blonde whispered.

"You can't help." May looked around the parking lot again. Her eyes trying to find someway to run. She wanted to see a black hole to help swallow her and take her away. "I'm not some victim who you have to keep taking pity on."

"What do you mean?" The older woman grabbed her shoulders and pushed May against the wall and tilted her head up to help her breathe. "I don't think you are a sob story, I just want to take care of you and make you happy. I know you can do it all yourself I just want to spoil you." Feeling her breathes getting quicker Nat caressed her cheek, "It's ok sweetie just tell me what you need me to do."

"That's not how the world works." May whispered trying to push her away. "Everyone always wants something." She stopped looking the blonde dead in her eyes. "How soon until I find out what you want?"

Feeling her heart drop Nat searched her face seeing if she was serious. "Why would you say that?" She shook her head and backed up, "I've done everything for you..."

"I didn't ask you too." May wiped the sweat out of her eyes and turned to walk down the sidewalk. Leaving the blonde standing alone in the dim light of the street lamp.


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