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Putting her glasses down slightly so they laid on her nose Natalia watched May color in the large letters slowly. She had a patience that wasn't very common in most people, spending as much time as she could to fill in all the gaps.

Trying to think of what to say she ended up clearing her throat, pushing her glasses back up and looking at the papers she needed to read.

Sighing she put the papers down once again and took her glasses completely off.

She still didn't know what to say, so she watched the girl's hands work.

"Is that your husband?" May whispered.

Looking up at the framed photo on the wall she laughed, "No he's my best friend from college."

May nodded picking up another color.

"I don't really like guys." Natalia laughed awkwardly, "I mean I like them I just wouldn't marry one." She corrected.

May looked up from her the poster, "You like girl's?"

Feeling herself breathe deeper the older woman nodded.

"Momma always told me gays go to hell when they die from their diseases." She set her pencil down and looked for another color, "but in school I kissed my friend Anna and nothing ever happened to me."

Furrowing her brows Natalia tried to think of what to say.

"I like girls better than guys too."

Almost like her heart reattached to a rope and was being pulled back up the blonde nodded, "Why?"

"They're prettier."

Freezing Natalia watched Mays brown eyes look up at her blue ones before going back down.

"And nicer."

Scratching her bead the older woman tried not saying the wrong thing. She was walking on a very dangerous line, her employee was cute...and. She rubbed her eyes mentally slapping herself. She couldn't think of her as cute. Her employee was a very attractive one and it didn't help that for some reason her heart had developed a soft spot, Every time her EMPLOYEE said one word in her soft sweet accent she felt like melting.

"Are you ok?"

Smiling Natalia opened her eyes and nodded, "I'm great." Grabbing her glasses she put them back on and studied the words on the paper that she somehow couldn't read.

"Dylan likes you." May smiled, "He talks about wanting to take you on dates."

The blonde rolled her eyes.

"Does he know you like girls?" May stopped coloring and looked up at her boss waiting for an answer.

Natalia tried avoiding eye contact as she shook her head, "Only you know." Glancing up slightly she wasn't able to deny the girl as their eyes met again. It was odd to her that May was such a fragile girl, one that proved time and time again to be broken and sad. But somehow in this moment Natalia felt like she was the scared one. She was literally the manager of a very nice store. Having the balls and stature was apart of the job! "How-How is everything at home since you've been alone." She asked changing the subject.

May shrugged getting back to her work, "They come home tomorrow, but at least I got to clean."

"Where does your mom and Dustin work?"

"Momma goes home with guys. Sometimes she brings them home."

"Oh god." Natalia whispered laying her head in her hand. "Does Dustin know about that?"

"He's usually there." May finished the last letter and tilted her head to get a better look. "Dustin said-" she paused wondering if she should continue. "He said if I couldn't get a job I was going to have to help pay the bills one way or another."

Closing her eyes and swallowing the dryness in her throat Natalia prepared herself. "Has he made you help before?"

The young girl bit her lip and nodded.

Leaning back in her chair the blonde covered her mouth trying not to show her emotions. Honestly she was angry but she didn't want May to see that. How was she supposed to even respond to that? How was she supposed to help?

"Ms. Simmons." May whispered wiping her eye, "Do you think we could do that one thing?"

"What thing sweetie?"

She licked her lips and cleared her throat almost unable to say, "that thing we did in my room."

"You mean a hug?" Natalia whispered.

She nodded, "Ya but it was for a long time."

Getting up from her chair the blonde went over to the girl who got out of her chair slowly. "You want me to hold you?"

Nodding again May cried slowly as the familiar arms wrapped around her. She laid her head on the older woman's chest and let her tears run down her neck and onto her shirt. May could feel her heart sped up like it had done many times before but it didn't get bad this time.

This time she was able to take deep breathes as a hand combed her hair back and a voice shushed her.

She enjoyed the feeling of being so close to her boss. Feeling her soft skin, and her warm hands on her. She even enjoyed the way she smelled. It wasn't bad like cigarettes and alcohol, it was cozy like the way the aisle with all the laundry supplies smelled. Her boss even felt like the clothes you pulled out of the dryer, so warm and inviting.

She felt more relaxed standing there in the woman's arms than she ever had anywhere else, honestly May would prefer to stay right there instead of her closet...the only place she used to feel safe.

The older woman who held her so closely let her lips rest on the girl's hair. She knew this wasn't good, she could feel herself falling deeper and deeper but she couldn't just stop. She wanted to keep falling down the hole to see where it led. "Maybe we can do something tonight." Natalia finally spoke. "We can go to the park and have dinner."

May pulled away and started digging through her pockets. "I have a few dollars but Eddie throws out the leftover chickens at the end of the day-"

"Sweetie." Natalia laughed, "I'll buy us good food ok?"

Looking at her crumbled dollar bills and the button that fell off her other shirt the brunette furrowed her brows. "Do you need a button?"

The older woman smiled and grabbed the girl's hand bringing her forward again. "No thank you May." Feeling the younger girl's arms wrap around her stomach she sighed, "You can ask for this anytime ok?"

May nodded, "ok."


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