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Flipping through the pages of her binder Natalia peeked up and smiled at the younger girl who took down some of her artwork from the green wall. "You blow my mind May."

Sitting down on the bed next to the blonde May smiled and handed the pages over. "I drew this last night."

Tilting her head Natalia laughed and held it up for them both to see, "Is that my bed?"

May smiled, "Yeah I loved the way the sheets were all messed up."

Sighing the older woman put the artwork on top of the pillow and turned towards the girl. "I've been thinking-" she scratched her nose and and examined the girl's glittering eyelashes. "There's always a bunch of contest online where you can send your artwork in, maybe you should do that."

"I wouldn't know where to start." She whispered smiling at the woman.

Biting her lip and nodding Natalia sighed grabbing the papers again. "The way you are able to recreate scenes so perfectly is beyond me-"

"I like when your tongue does that." May criss crossed her legs and let her head lay in her palms.

"Does what?"

She shrugged, "Make that sound."

Natalia laughed, "You mean my lisp? I've always hated It."

"Well I like it." May stretched her legs out laying them on top of the older woman as she leaned her body on her pillow.

Clenching her jaw the blonde let her eyes peer up and down the girl's body, her white skin so smooth underneath her short daisy dukes and bra. Her shirt still in her hand waiting to be put on.

Rolling her neck back Natalia closed her eyes. The girl's room smelled like the smoke from the rest of the house and the AC didn't work well so both them started sweating slightly on their foreheads. "What do you want to do this evening?"

"It seems like you know what you want to do." May whispered giving a sly smile and leaning her arms back to really show her body.

Raising an eyebrow the blonde nodded and leaned forward. She kissed the girl slowly and let her hand drop the art work onto the floor and run up her leg.

Her soft fingertips tracing her curves up to her stomach making the girl's skin jump. "Lets go back to my house."

Smiling as the older woman held her waist and kissed her neck May nodded, "Can I bring some of my art stuff?"

"You can bring whatever you want." Nat whispered kissing the top of her breasts, "Except the shirt, you won't need that."

Rolling her eyes May's face went white as she heard the front door slam. Listening to the stomping of the shoes she pushed the blonde away roughly and slid on her shirt.

Her bedroom door flew open by a man wearing nothing but camo and a sweat stained baseball cap.

May's chest rose up and down slowly as the man stared at her, the cigarette in his mouth filling the tiny room with a thin layer of fog. Turning his head slowly to the older lady who sat straight on the bed with a tight jaw he smiled, "The names Dustin." He took a step in and shook Natalia's hand.

She stood up and smiled tightly at him. "Natalia Simmons."

Nodding he looked her up and down and smiled showing his brown teeth from the years of dipping. "Should I know that name?"

"Probably not no."

He nodded breathing in his smoke and looked back at the tiny girl who still sat perfectly still. "We're going hunting, would you like to come? There's plenty of friends that will be at the cabin."

May shook her head slowly still staring at him intently.

Licking the gap in his mouth where a tooth used to be he shook the Ashe from his Cigarette making the black soot fall onto the floor and sinking into the already stained carpet. "When we get back you understand the money you owe us will need to be paid?"

Looking down May nodded.

"Do you have it?"

"I will." She whispered.

"Good." Coughing he threw the cigarette at the trash can missing. "If you don't have it, I'll help you get it." Looking back at the blonde who stared at him with a blank face he smiled, "You come by anytime ms."

Watching him leave Natalia went and closed the door before turning back to the girl who still stared at the floor. "He's not really going hunting is he?"

May brought her legs up, "They hunt sometimes, but they use my dads old cabin for clients to come meet them."

"What money do you owe May?"

"Just bills."

"May..." bending down the older woman took her hand, "What's going on."

Wiping her eye and clearing her throat trying not to cry she raised her head to the ceiling to force her tears back in. "I had a job with him yesterday but I refused."

Closing her eyes Natalia lifted the girl's hand to her lips.

"He said I owe him what he lost."

"You don't have to pay him baby." She brushed her hair back and the girl slapped her hand away.

"Yes I do Nat. He has people everywhere. He will kill me."

"May that won't ha-"

Moving away from her and getting up she started picking up the fallen drawings, "she will and if you can't understand that then you need to leave."

"May calm down-" she covered her face feeling the papers being thrown at her. Furrowing her eyes she watched the girl look around frantically until she found her hidden stack of cash. "Baby let me help." She reached out trying to grab her arms but she shook her off.

"I don't need your help."

Swallowing her nerves the blonde grabbed her from behind holding her arms down.

May fought and kicked her legs as she was pushed onto the wall. "Get off of me." She screamed using all her strength to fight back.

Holding her arms down, Natalia shushed her lightly. "May calm down I'm not going to hurt you."

Crying loudly the brunette banged her head on the back of the wall until the blondes hand went behind her head for padding. As she started calming down the woman hugged her tightly still holding her arms down.

"It's ok baby, I'm not going anywhere." Wiping the sweat off of May's face Natalia swallowed a knot in her throat as she was able to loosen her grip. "Get all the money you have and I'll take care of the rest ok."

"That doesn't solve it." The brunette whispered laying her head on the woman's chest. "He owns me. He'll find me."

Kissing the top of her head the blonde looked around the room, "pack your stuff you're coming with me ok?" Letting go of her she started pulling some of the artwork off of the wall, "Get your suitcase May."

Standing dazed the young girl watched Natalia start pulling clothes out of her closet.

"Let's go May."

Nodding the two woman ended up putting all her belongings into only three bags.

Before they left the panting woman wiped the sweat away from her eyes and took some cash out of her wallet, laying it all on the empty bed she wrote a note and pushed the girl out of the room.

"Nat? Where are we going?"

Taking her hand the older woman lead her out the door, "Away from here."


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