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Sitting on the armrest of the old worn couch in the break room, Natalia took a bite of the vanilla cake and looked over her employees. She was proud so many showed up to the frail woman's old party. They didn't even know she was lonely and this was probably the only celebration she would get.

Smiling she watched Dylan have to repeat himself a couple times before Beverley finally understood what he was saying. Dylan was not a patient man, but he did try for her.

Looking through her sea of employees Natalia's eyes stopped as she spotted her newest, May, look at the cake. Natalia kept her fork in her mouth to get all the icing off as she watched the brunettes eyes dart around, looking at other plates before she cut herself a small piece. After she did so, she very slowly picked up her silverware and napkin before looking around the room.

Jumping up Natalia looked at the couch where her two youngest workers sat, "Do you think you could move over some?" Looking back up she furrowed her eyes not seeing the brunette anywhere.

Leaving quietly Natalia looked out into the empty store where it began to get dark from the night outside. Seeing nothing but the automatic door flying shut, she followed the clues and went outside.

The petite girl walked calmly in the steady rain. The water drenching her clothes and hair. Natalia thought about calling out to her but the thunder in the sky caused too much of an interruption. Running to her car she got inside and fumbled with her keys trying to start it.

Driving into the road she squinted her eyes and looked for her employee. The girl paused and turned seeing the vehicle pull up to her. She tilted her head wondering why her boss was there waving for her to get in. Looking around to see if this was a joke she guessed it wasn't as another car sped by splashing her.

Getting into the passenger side May wiped the droplets off her nose and looked down at her shivering hands.

"Why are you walking in the rain?" Natalia laughed using some loose napkins to pat her face dry. Looking over, the dirty blonde examined her shivers before turning the heater on.

Listening to the soft blow fill the silence the young girl looked out the window and watched the droplets race each other from one end to the other. "I was just leaving work, my shift was over."

"Do you not have a car?" She asked arching her eyebrows.

May shook her head.

"Where do you live?"

"By Mulberry Street."

Natalia turned her body slightly and gripped the steering wheel, "That's across down, do you not have anyone driving you?"

She shook her head again.

"Can I drive you?"

May shifted in her seat before nodding, "I was going to the park." Her body shivered again.

Putting her car into drive Natalia put her hazards on from the harsh visibility and turned onto the road. She bit her lip in thought as the rains pitter patter hit her car violently. She wanted to ask the right questions since May wasn't very open. But why wasn't she open about herself? What was she hiding? Why did she want to know so badly.  "Why are you going to the park?"

"It has the best view of the lighting."

The older woman chuckled lightly While turning into the parking lot, "You aren't afraid of storms?"

"No, not storms."

Gulping slightly Natalia watched her unbuckle her seatbelt. "Wait." She held her hand out and looked around. "Can I come with you?" She grabbed her umbrella and ran to the passenger side helping the girl get out not even letting her give an answer.

They shared the umbrella as Natalia followed the girl to a soaked bench. One that overlooked a small lake. Ducks went and hid and the fish cane out to play with the ripples. Everything reacting differently to the downpour.

Sitting next to each other they watched the sky fill with a bright light and a crackle that made the earth feel like it was standing still with a booming noise.

Turning her head slightly Natalia glanced over at her employee who stared out at the view. The raindrops hitting the plastic from the umbrella and pouring down besides them. It couldn't protect them from the chill though. The spring rains gave a break from the heat but the raindrops were cold as ice.

Lightning flashed once again highlighting the brunettes face. Her pretty features bringing a softness to the storm.

Closing her eyes and biting her bottom lip Natalia opened her mouth to speak, "You're very quite." Thunder cracked again.

May nodded, "I have too much to say I guess." Almost like she remembered something she osat up straight and started digging through her pockets. "I don't have any money to thank you for the ride but I have this cigarette I took from my mom's stash."

Natalia laughed, "I don't smoke and you don't have to pay."

Furrowing her brows the brunette looked at the smoke in her hand, she has never met anyone who didn't smoke other than her.

"Do you live with your parents?" She clenched her jaw seeing May shiver while thinking of an answer. "Here share with me." Taking off her coat she scooter closer and laid it over the both of them. She decided to skip her first question, "Do you come out here every evening?"


"And do what?"

"Just look." May whispered. "Shouldn't you be at the store?"

Remembering she had just left all her duties to sit and watch the ran Natalia sighed. "I'll have Dylan close up for the night."

"I'm sorry. You didn't have to give me a ride."

Furrowing her eyebrows confused Natalia smiled trying to cheer the girl up, "No don't be sorry everything is alright." Reaching over to rub her shoulder she stopped when May flinched closing her eyes. Nodding the older woman put her arm back down.

"I think I'm going to go home now."

Getting up with her the dirty blonde stood in front of her, only standing about an inch taller. She Studied her face so carefully while the rain came down harder. "Please let me drive you."

May never looked up, she only nodded.

They stood still for a while not moving, and in that moment Natalia wondered if she would ever get to see the color of the younger girl's eyes.


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