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"You have to order your own clothes but they are really soft, I think Natalia will give you a vest until they arrive in the mail." The middle aged man sighed and sipped on his steaming coffee. "This is the break room, I wouldn't put anything in the fridge though, there's some fat bastards here that don't care if your name is written."

Looking around the white room May thinned her lips as the light flickered on and off. No one else seemed to notice however as an old woman poured herself some coffee and Dylan left her standing alone as he plopped down on the flowered couch and started re doing his very greasy man bun. "What do I do first?" She asked clasping her hands.

Breathing heavily he gave up, knowing one strand of hair just couldn't be tamed. "What were you hired to do?"

May shook her head not knowing the answer.

Rolling his eyes he struggled getting up from the couch because of his beer belly. "I'll take you to her office, I don't know how I'm supposed to train you." Walking past her he cursed as another man around his age came around the corner making Dylan spill some of his coffee on his blue work shirt.

Following the stomping man into an office she had been in once before May stood in the hallway and looked down at the floor as he spoke to their boss. She could barely hear his complaints but she hoped she wasn't in trouble.

Stepping back he swung the door open for her and left when her hand touched the handle. Watching him go back into the store he joked with some young guys who looked like trouble.

"Did Dylan tell you about the uniforms?"

Remembering where she was May nodded and walked in still keeping the door open.

Natalia got up from her chair and went to a cabinet.

Backing up to give her more room the brunette watched her dig through a drawer until she brought out a vest. "Here we go, this looks about your size." Handing it over Natalia locked the drawer back up and leaned on the cabinet to look at the girl. "Did you eat breakfast?"

"Yes." May lied bringing the vest over her shoulders and zipping it up. Examining it further she noticed the name tag that sat on the pocket. "My name isn't Timothy." Looking up when the woman didn't reply May narrowed her eyes. "Am I supposed to use an Alias?"

Realizing she was staring Natalia stood up straight and laughed. "No no, I'll get you a name tag that has your name." She let her painted nails tap the medal from the cabinet. "I think there's some things that need to be re stocked if you follow me."

May listened and followed the blonde though the store into the back where all the storage was. As the woman explained some things about organization and dates May looked around and observed the large ceilings. even though it was warmer it was so roomy and empty. She liked that feeling.

"Can you do that for me?"

Looking back at the patient face the girl nodded.

"Ok, if you need anything let me know." She started walking but stopped, "You came at the right time because today is Beverley's birthday. We will have cake in the break room after hours." She patted the girl's shoulder and took a minute to look at her face before she continued.

Watching her walk away May looked back at the cart and started unloading all the things she needed onto it. This could be fun, she could imagine herself making a sculpture out of numerous kinds of breads. That would actually be a good idea. The wheats would give a good shadow while the whites highlight. You might be able to knead them together seamlessly. Had this already been thought of?

"Are you knew?"

Glancing around for the strange voice May looked upwards as a girl whistled from the top of the warehouse. She laid flat on the surface while taking a bite out of an apple. "Yes."

The girl nodded, she must have been young, probably still in high school but her pixie cut made her look a little bit older.

"What are you doing up there?" May asked backing up to get a better view.

"I'm waiting for our shipment. The driver takes forever but we are his first stop on his route. Ms. Simmons said I shouldn't keep him waiting."

Hearing her take another bite out of her fruit May looked at her cart of bread. She was definitely younger and she called their boss by her last name. Should she be doing that? Dylan said her first name but he was also older. What would be more respectable.

"I ain't ever seen you around before." The voice spoke again. "Are you new in town?"

"No." She answered trying to match her volume.

"Shit, you must be a quite girl."

Letting her silence be her response May continued putting the breads on her cart.

"Do you got any smokes?"

She scrunched her nose slightly and pushed the cart to the door. "No." Going through the aisles slowly she tried not making any eye contact as people rushed past her. Everyone was always in such a hurry. Looking up at the signs that showed where everything was, she followed the clues before making it to a full aisle of carbs. Luckily it wasn't very busy so she looked for the right brand and started stacking accordingly.

Nodding to the music that played on the speakers May sped up finally getting the confidence that she was doing everything right. Feeling eyes she looked to her right where her boss stood with a clipboard. She smiled sweetly and gave a thumbs up before walking ahead to where she couldn't see her anymore.

Gulping May looked at her empty cart. Her new boss seemed so sweet, full of happiness and smiles. It wasn't something she usually saw so it made her hair stand up. Was she supposed to trust her? Was she supposed to even consider it? She was her boss. Maybe that wasn't something she was supposed to think about.


What do you think so far? I know this is slower than my others, but I really believe this is a special book. I have so many plans for it and I'm really excited for you guys to go through a very different kind of emotional journey. At the end of the day when you finish this book I really want it to stay with you... make you really think about how you view love. ♥️

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