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Scrolling down the page Nat smiled seeing the contents of the article. A man and woman found guilty over the murder of a hero cop. How tragic she thought putting her phone away. Pushing her purse to the side she leaned back in the bench and held the lease to hank a little tighter.

"Maybe if you tilt it to the left."

May looked at the drawing before agreeing and moving it slightly.

"Oh god it's perfect." Seth rolled the end of his mustache between his fingers. "The share holders are going to love this gallery." Getting out his clipboard he scribbled some words down, "What is the name?"

May stepped down from the step stool and sat down next to the blonde who tried to hide how proud she was. "Stroke of Luck."

"That's an odd name." Nat whispered crossing her leg, "Do you mean relationships happen with a stroke of Luck?"

The young girl shook her head and smiled as she examined her drawing. Two woman catching each other's tears in a bucket. "It's just lucky that some people get away with so much."

Raising an eyebrow the older woman decided not to say anything. She just enjoyed silence of the empty art gallery that would soon be filled with people willing to spend money. "how are you liking it here?"

"It's nice." May whispered letting her feet kick slightly underneath her. "There's more places to eat in California."

Nat finally looked over at her lover, "Do you really like it?"

She nodded, "I've never slept a full night before." May met the woman's blue eyes, "I've done that five days in a row now." She bit her lip remembering something, "Except Tuesday."

Clearing her throat Natalia bounced her leg and tried to hide her blushing cheeks.


The blonde turned her body seeing the girl become serious, waiting for her to continue. The girl's pasty white skin illuminated more from the harsh white lighting but she still looked so soft and fragile. Her brown eyes still seeming to search if she was safe every once in a while.

"I heard that you like girls."

Nat closed her eyes and hung her head to laugh.

May smiled at her response and scratched her own nose, "I was just wondering if you liked one...specifically."

"You're asking if I have a crush?" Nat ran her tongue along her teeth and rolled her eyes, "The girl I have been living with for three months just asked me if I have a crush?"

"Do you?" She questioned almost mocking the woman. "The girl you have lived with has never gotten an answer."

"The girl never asked."

May looked away and watched Seth run after a catering company who put everything in the wrong place. "Was I supposed to?"

The blonde shook her head not knowing how to answer.

"Is it bad to want a title?" May looked down at her hands again. Something she always did to show how uncomfortable she was.

"No." Natalia scooter over slowly trying not to disturb the sleeping dog, His day at the groomers was tiring for a canine like him, Wrapping her arm around the girl's shoulders the blonde watched the girl's thumbs twirl around one another. "There is a girl I have a crush on."

May smiled and finally broke her gaze away from her hands to stare up at the older woman's face.

"She's an an inspiring artist who knows more than me but is to sweet to correct me."

"That means she likes you too right?"

Nat nodded, "I think so."

"Does she make you happy?"

"She makes me a lot of things, but happy is definitely up there."

"I think you need to get off your ass and make her your girlfriend." May smiled leaning further forward their lips inches away from one another.

"Why do you think I want that with her?"

"Would you cover up a crime scene for her?"

Nat raised an eyebrow. "Touché."

Kissing each other slowly Frank decided his nap was over and pulled Nat away from the kiss as he started walking to the door. Pulling the woman with him roughly since she was unexpecting.

Laughing May followed behind the now aggravated blonde, "Nat?"

Gripping the leash with both hands the blonde turned, her eyes asking what she needed like the day she first met her. Not in a mean way but in a curious way.

"Can you make your girlfriend a peanut butter and jelly sandwich when we get home?"

Holding one hand out she nodded, "Only if my girlfriend can put up the dishes after."

May took her hand and skipped along side of her as they went out the large glass door, "Fine but Hank gets a sandwich too then."


Stroke of LuckWhere stories live. Discover now