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Following the woman up the stairs until they were on the second floor May looked over the railing and studied the apartments below as Natalia unlocked her door.

The complex was cute and small, the outside painted a pretty grey color with blue doors. But she couldn't see everything because of the darkness, there was a street light in the parking lot but the bugs that flew around it hogged most of the light.

"This is Hank."

Turning to her bosses open door May gulped seeing a large dog sitting inside staring at her, his long tongue sticking out of his mouth making drool form a puddle on the doormat.

"He won't hurt you, he just a big ol teddy bear." the blonde laughed and moved him over so the girl could come in.

Once she stepped in and the door closed behind her May studied the small apartment as Natalia took off her jacket and hung her keys up. It was so quaint but in such a charming way. A small kitchen on the left and a couch and TV on the right. Right in front of her was the bedroom Separated by a small wall All of it was clean and tidy.

Walking forward slightly the brunette ran her fingers over the new cabinet while Natalia brought sheets out from her bedroom.

"I have an extra toothbrush and bathroom stuff in a bag under the vanity." She spoke while reaching over the couch cushions to tuck in the white sheets.

Not responding the girl looked down at the dog who still stared at her almost begging for her attention.

Bending down May finally gave in and reached forward slowly. She jumped at first when he started licking her hand but as she felt more comfortable she laid her hand on his thick coat of fur and started to pet him slowly. She had never seen a dog this big in real life but he seemed to be sweeter than all the small dogs she had met before.

Standing up slowly she watched him run to grab his bright green ball making himself run into the wall before jumping onto Natalia's bed. "You can have some food if you're hungry."

Feeling her stomach growl the girl cleared her throat wondering if she should accept. "Do you have any peanut butter?"

Putting the pillows on the floor her boss nodded, "In the bottom cabinet by the fridge. Help yourself."

Making her way over slowly like she didn't want to disturb the situation May found the ingredients and started spreading the smooth peanut butter onto the bread, before she folded it she looked over at the fridge curiously. Opening it she smiled, "You have jelly." Reaching down and grabbing the glass container May started spreading it on another piece of bread before putting them together. She didn't even stop to put the tops back on she simply took a bite and closed her eyes.

"These may be a little big on you, but they'll have to do." Natalia spoke bringing in a shirt and shorts. Stopping she smiled at girl, her mouth still slowly chewing. She could tell May was enjoying her meal by the small piece of jelly that had missed and rested on the corner of her lip. "You have some-." She pointed to her own mouth.

The girl raised her eyebrows confused.

Putting the clothes down Natalia stepped forward and held the girl's head in her hands, letting her thumb graze the crumbs that sat on her lips. Staring at her thumb that rested on her the blonde let her mouth stay open as she fought within herself. All she wanted to do was reach down and- closing her eyes and stepping back the older woman handed the clothes over. "I'm going to go get ready for bed."

Still holding her half eaten sandwich May wondered what that was.

"Ok you need to control yourself." Natalia whispered to herself as she closed the bathroom door. "She just needs a place for the night, this is not the time to think about getting-" leaning on the sink and closing her eyes again she tried not thinking about her, but she couldn't stop. The way her eyes looked at her drove her crazy and the way her lips felt to the touch was like feeling the sweetest of candy and not taking a bite. "What is wrong with me.." she whispered looking up at her reflection. "You've had crushes before." Taking off her clothes she nodded at her own words, "She's just another pretty girl, you can control yourself." Rolling her neck around to stretch she looked at her own eyes, "You can control yourself."

Finally leaving the bathroom Natalia looked around not seeing the girl anywhere. Furrowing her brows she went over to the couch to see it empty. Her eyes shifted to the floor where she saw Hanks tail wag happily. Tilting her head and smiling Natalia walked over to the sleeping girl who was curled up next to the dog. She had already changed into the clothes that were a little to big so she looked like a child curled up next to a stuffed animal. "Shit." She whispered leaning on the couch, "shit, shit, shit." Standing up and putting her hands on her hips she looked up at the ceiling. Whatever strength she had was leaving.

Going over to the girl Natalia slid her arms under her carefully and lifted her up. She never woke as she let out a small whimper. "Shit, shit, shit." Natalia repeated looking at her face and looking at the couch. Shaking her head she cursed under her breathe as she took her to the bedroom and laid her down carefully.

"Don't look at me like that Hank." Natalia reasoned pushing the covers back and resting them over her. "I'll tell her you kicked her off of the couch." Looking at her peacefully sleeping in her bed she face palmed herself and leaned on the wall, "oh fuck what am I doing?" Shaking her head she sighed, "I can't control myself hank."

Deciding it was best to sleep on the couch she stopped feeling a hand grab her. Looking back she studied the young girl's sleepy eyes, the light brown doll like eyes that blinked sweetly. "Don't go." She whispered holding on tighter.

Swallowing the lump in her throat Natalia nodded and went on her side getting in bed slowly.

Her brain screamed at her to stop, she knew that this was complicated. That she was a boss and it wasn't right to have her employee over like this, she knew people would talk if they found out she had interest in someone so young.

but her heart pulled her forward and made her lay down. It didn't even give a good reason to why it wanted her to give in so bad.

It felt like all her brain could say was "shit." Over and over again.

Because even her brain knew it was happening and she wasn't going to stop it.


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