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Taking a large bite of her granola bar, Natalia nodded her head to the cheerful music before it went to commercials. The voices of the morning station filled her car as she Splashed through puddles that were left from the storms.

Turning the corner onto her employees, Mays, street the blonde put her breakfast down and leaned forward seeing if her eyes were deceiving her. Sadly they weren't, four cop cars parked all around May's house. The officers talking amongst one another and writing things down.

Parking her car and getting out Natalia went over to a tall man who towered above the others. "Excuse me, what's going on?"

"Are you family?" His deep and unmovable voice asked.

"No-" Natalia looked around. "I'm Mays boss, I have been picking her up the last few days."

He took a breathe in and pulled the blonde to the side. "We were responding to a domestic abuse case. That's not uncommon for this household."

"Where are they now?" Natalia asked lowering her voice.

"Headed to jail. Only for a while." He crossed his arms and examined the house. "It happens like this a lot. They beat each other silly but never press charges on one another."

"What about May?"

He took of his hat. "She hides until we leave. She's done that for years." Clearing his throat and putting his hat back on the tall man walked back this patrol car. She watched them spin out their wheels as they sped away.

Walking up the crooked steps Natalia looked at the locked door, "May are you in there?" She knocked a couple of times before moving to window and looking through.

Hearing rustling she backed up and saw a hand come out from under the house. "May!?" Running back down the steps carefully she met the young girl who pulled herself up. Her work clothes covered in a white powdery dust and a spiderweb stuck in her hair. "Let's get you cleaned up."

The girl still seemingly stunned by the previous interaction walked slowly and unlocked the door. Before she was allowed in, she felt hands pat off the dust Causing her to let out a faint quite sneeze.

"That was adorable." Natalia commented slapping the dust off of the girl's ankles.

Wiping her nose the brunette didn't know how to respond so she walked into her house with the older woman following behind her. "My room is over here."

Looking around Natalia's lips thinned as she studied the small house. It was dirty, the foundation itself starting to fall through and bullet holes covered one wall letting light show through. She would have never imagined May to live in such an environment. broken cabinet doors, chairs fallen on their backs...everything was horrible.

Reaching a tiny room the blonde smiled seeing something totally opposite of the rest of the house. Artwork surround her. The girl's imagination was perfectly brilliant. A style that could only be matched to May came together to create the most wonderful wallpaper.

"Do you like them?" Her almost song like voice asked.

"I love them May." Natalia sighed and glanced around. "I've never seen anything like it."

May smiled slightly embarrassed and looked down at her tan carpeted floor.

Picking up a drawing and studying it the blonde woman shook her head, "What happened this morning?"

Sitting on her bed the brunette shrugged, "Mom and Dustin fought again."

"Dustin?" Natalia nodded and put the drawing back down. It was probably best not to ask too much. "May, you have a real talent. Your parents must be very proud."

She stayed silent as she looked down at her hands.

Watching her Natalia wondered why she did the things she did. Obviously some of her questions were solved. Mays home life was unfortunate, but she still had so many questions. She couldn't really ask them without her shutting down and never talking again.

Hearing a knock at the door Natalia frowned seeing May jump up from her bed. "Hey it's ok." Leaning over and peering out the window she smiled, "It's just the police officer."  Getting back up on her feet the blonde tilted her head confused as the younger girl backed up into the corner shaking. Her eyes glazed over as she shook her head wildly.

"I don't want them to take me Ms. Simmons."

"Woah no one is taking anyone anywhere May." She answered holding her hands out.

"Please don't let them take me. I don't want to go." She repeated a little louder. Another knock came from the door causing her to cry.

"Sweetie it's alright." Natalia studied her face with arched eyebrows wondering what she should do. Her whole body shook with fear now but she was backed into a corner and was too afraid to run past her. Taking the opportunity Natalia took her wrist softly and pulled her towards her, she wrapped her arms around her quickly so she couldn't fight and held on.

May thrashed and cried louder as another knock came from the door but Natalia shushed her and put her head in her neck. "No ones going to take you sweetie, you are an adult no one can take you ok?"

Feeling her slide the older woman fell onto the floor with her refusing to let go. She stared at the wall behind the crying girl and gulped seeing a picture different from the rest. A monster, or creature who ascended from the darkness ready to attack. The corner that was trying to peel off flapped from the fan as Natalia stared at it intently while holding the girl.

Soon she stopped fighting.

She willingly laid in her arms and buried herself in the warmth of the woman. Letting the dust from her clothes transfer to hers. She even let her fingers trace the buttons on her bosses shirt as she thought loudly with her eyes.

"They're gone sweetie." The blonde finally whispered. "No ones going to hurt you."

Her sniffles replied.

Licking her dry lips and closing her eyes Natalia rubbed her back and leaned herself on the side of the bed for support. She wondered why she was on the floor of one of her employees rooms, holding someone she had only met a few days ago. Someone who was a mystery...someone she knew nothing about.

She did know that it felt right, the girl's fast beating heart slowly coming down as she stayed tucked away in her arms. Natalie didn't dare let go, not until May wanted to get up. Looking back to the spot where that scary drawing sat she saw a folder that had fallen behind the small desk. Spilling out a dozen more disturbing drawings that she had to get a closer look at. Another corner of Mays mind spilled out, one that she tried to keep hidden.


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