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laying her down onto the bed softly Natalia let her eyes scan her body with wild eyes, she took her time letting her hand start at her face and run down to where her calf's were. She wondered around the new body sensually. Like she didn't want to take for granted What she was going to taste.

Feeling The older woman's experienced hands run over her body May let her mouth hang open as kisses flooded over her. One minute lips were on her legs then the next they found their way to her arms and stomach before stopping at her face. Natalia pecked her chin softly before smiling softly.

Even with the dim lighting May studied the woman's face up close, she had wrinkles that proved she was older, mostly around her mouth and eyes but they weren't bad. They just showed how much she smiled. The blonde hair fell from behind her ear and brushed her skin so May brought her fingers up to feel the pretty hair.

She even studied the few freckles Natalia had on her neck. That was all she had on her, her boss didn't seem to have any noticeable scars like her but her body was older and softer. Whereas hers was tight and firm. She wondered if that was a bad thing, her not being as soft, but as the blonde kissed her breast and let her hands squeeze her ass she realized Natalia liked her body. It was the first time she ever felt like she wasn't just being used. Like the hands that felt her wanted to please her too.

At the same time she wanted to let the woman use her to please herself. How did that work? From wanting no one to touch her to suddenly letting someone use her completely.

Maybe it was because her boss was patient and considerate. Asking her permission when they hit any new territory. "Are you sure May?" She would ask.

When she gave her permission The blonde had to control herself. "Just tell me if you want to stop." She whispered maneuvering her body between the young girl's legs. She leaned forward and laid down on her to kiss her neck slowly. Their naked bodies coming together like two wet pieces of paper.

May whimpered slightly from the waiting but took kindly to the sensual kissing, it was nice to want it as much as the woman.

Unlike the other times when it was rough and quick she felt herself wanting it faster. She wanted what was to come and she wanted it to last.

That is until the doorbell rang.

The blonde took her time still kissing the girl's neck and sucking as it rang once more. Her breathes were still shallow and deep from not being satisfied but she got up slowly, "Stay here I'll be right back." Her rough voice spoke.

Shushing Frank's barks as she put on her rob she opened the door to see Dylan standing there with a box full of donuts.

"Hey boss!" He raised an eyebrow, "You don't look ready."

"Ready for what?" Natalia asked crossing her arms uncomfortably, trying to hide how shaken her hands were from the passion she had to put on pause. "It's Saturday I don't work on Saturday's."

"You said you would come in with me since we have a big inventory coming in for the Fourth of July." He turned his head to smile at frank but stopped seeing a wet floor and clothes laying by broken glass. "Is everything alright?"

Clearing her throat and putting her palm
To her head Natalia nodded, "It's fine I just came down with a little something so I think I'll be calling in today." She nodded happy with her excuse until she looked at the tall man who lit his cigarette. "What time is it?"

He looked at his watch, "6:30." Eyeing her up and down he sighed knowing what was going on. "I didn't know you were dating."

Natalia waved him off, "I'm not- no-" she laughed, "What makes you say that?"

He puffed the smoke towards her and handed over the box of donuts, "Hope you feel better."

Gulping she smiled weakly and took the gift. "I'll see you Monday."

Using his shoe to put out his cigarette he nodded. "See you later Nat."

Watching him leave the blonde closed the door slowly almost feeling bad for being so short with him.

"I told you he liked you." May spoke picking up the clothes that laid on the floor.

Biting her bottom lip Natalia suddenly forgot about her other employee as her newest stood bare, folding the shirt she had borrowed. "Let's go out to eat." She whispered walking forward and dropping the box onto the floor.

"You didn't seem like you wanted people to see us together."

Grabbing the folded clothes and throwing them, The older woman turned May and pushed her against the back of the couch. "I know this really nice breakfast spot."

May raised an eyebrow seeing how hungry her boss still was from their unfulfilled night.

"C'mon May lets spend the day together." She brought her hands up and held the girl's head, "Please baby."

Suddenly becoming shy again May looked down at the woman's robe that was coming undone. "I don't have any clothes."

"I'll buy you some." Natalia whispered staring at the girl's swollen lips. "We can do whatever you want."

"I want to go to the dollar store."

Natalia laughed, "Why the dollar store?"

"Because I want to buy an art eraser."

Nodding the blonde brought her head forward and kissed her slowly. "Then maybe we can come back here and finish what we started." She bit May's lip playfully.

Pulling away the girl grabbed the clothes again, "maybe."

Watching her disappear through the bedroom the older woman stood still dazed. Her heart beating loudly and her breathes shallow.

Leaning on the couch she closed her eyes and crossed her legs. She didn't know if blue balls in woman was a thing but it really did feel like it. Especially when the girl walked around bare. Her White porcelain skin shining with every step.

Taking a deep breathe and shaking her hands Natalia tried putting herself back together. "You are a successful woman who can hold herself together." She whispered tying her robe once agains. "She's just a girl." Walking to the door she peeked through seeing May in the bathroom slip on her shirt from yesterday, her body taunting her. "She's just a girl-" she reminded herself.

May flipped her hair and Natalia whined, banging her head on the doorframe. "Shit, shit, shit."



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