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"What if she wins?" Seth leaned in closer to the computer, "looks like a scam."

Biting her nail Nat shook her head, "It's not a scam, this contest has already boosted dozens of artist."

Shaking his head and going back to his chair Seth grunted as he plopped down. Leaning his head back he brushed through his mustache and watched his friend scroll through the online page. He honestly had never seen her so happy, she was head over heel over that young girl and that scared him. Of course he wanted her to be happy but Nat had such a big heart, he just didn't want it to get broken again. to see someone as amazing as her have her heart broken was like seeing a rainbow shatter.

Both of them looked over at May who sat on the other side of the room facing the wall. Her feet hung from the tall stool and her eyes focused on the large piece of paper that the lamp shined on. The headphones over head blocked out any noice to make it extra easy for her to get lost in her own world. She had had an early shift that morning and was just waiting for Nat to get off of work. She didn't seem to mind though. May would actually get really excited when she got to hang out in her lovers office. She loved not having to be around other people.

"Has she ever talked about wanting to be an artist?" Seth asked watching her draw.

Clearing her throat the blonde shook her head, "I don't think she knows it's even an option." Looking back over to make sure she couldn't hear Nat lowered her voice, "She has no idea that she's basically a prodigy."

"I do know."

Both of them looked over at May who kept coloring.

"You do?" Nat finally asked feeling her face get red.

"I went into foster care twice so between homes I had to meet with a lot of people who asked me a lot of questions." May tilted her head and took a closer look, happy with it she grabbed her sharpener and started making the point longer on her colored pencil. "Dr. Bar made me take a test. He said I wasn't really categorized as a prodigy."

"Why?" The blonde asked leaning back in her chair.

"I was too old, he just said I was a genius."

Seth rolled his eyes, "and then what?"

May looked back at them, "What do you mean?"

"What did they do about it?"

"Nothing." She turned back to her drawing, "My momma regained custody so I stopped seeing him."

Nat laid her head on her hands and sighed. Partially bc that girl's southern accent made her swoon and partly because she really didn't deserve everything that happened to her. And it seemed like every time she would talk about herself the stories got worse and the experiences grew. "Baby do you think you could refill my coffee?" Nat smiled widely and pleaded with her eyes.

May hopped down from her seat and took the cup.

"Two sugars-"

"And a splash of almond milk." May smiled opening the door, "I know."

Watching her leave Seth situated himself in the chair, "Do you think she heard about that one night stand I was telling you about?"

Rolling her eyes Nat nodded, "Probably." Throwing her pen down on her desk she rubbed her face and groaned. "Oh god Seth, What do I even say to that?"

"Just tell her I used protection."

"Not about you!" The blonde got up and went to the desk May sat at before. "How am I supposed to help someone like her?"

He shrugged and looked at the dirt under his nails. "Who says she needs help?"

Looking over at him Natalia blinked a few times thinking about that. He was right, she was so concerned about helping her that she never stopped to think that she might not want that. Maybe all she wanted was love.

Picking up her drawing she sighed running her fingers over the almost perfect piece of art that she was working on. Even though the only colors she used were grey and whites she felt like she was looking at a film noir, the front steps of her apartment with the rain falling down was pictured perfectly. Not just physically but the way it felt to be sitting there on those steps. Confronting each other about their feelings. How did she put those feelings into art?

Hearing the door open creak open the blonde turned to see Sasha standing there with her mouth full of gum. "Ms. Simmons there's like some hicks yelling at Dylan."

Furrowing her brows she followed the young girl out of her office and into the supermarket where Dylan shook his head angrily and picked up some spilled newspapers.

Other customers mumbled between each other and the scanning of items continued.

"What happened?"

"Some rednecks were mad we didn't have the Tobacco they wanted, fucking white trash."

Looking around Nat watched Sasha and Dylan complain to each other but she still felt uneasy. Looking up at the clock on the wall she left the two and went to the break room slightly jogging on her way. "May?" Seeing the empty room her heart stopped seeing her mug shattered on the floor with the coffee dripping down the cabinet.

"Fuck." Running to her office and grabbing her keys she didn't even stop to talk to her friend who sat confused.

Pushing past customers she used her cellphone to try and call May. The ringing went on and on before heading to voicemail. Throwing her phone into her passenger seat the blonde struggled putting the keys into the fob as the heat from the sweating car surrounded her.

She didn't know what was wrong. She just knew it wasn't right. It was a gut feeling that she couldn't explain to anyone else. Something about the way the air changes around you and the way things seem to freeze...something was wrong.


Cliff hanger I know...BUT I do have good news.
I have an official twitter account!!

I want to be able to talk more freely with you guys and give updates, share my thoughts and share my journey through the writing of these books!

So go follow me: @wonderlust_1

(I might be sharing sneak peeks to upcoming chapters.)

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