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Throwing her car into park Natalia jumped out and ran through the destroyed weed filled yard, her heels sinking into the dirt almost causing her to slip a couple of times. She didn't think anything could make her even more afraid but staring at the cop car that was parked outside she could feel her heart drop. She went to the door and closed her eyes while grasping the knob.

Feeling it click she held her breath as the wood dragged against the fluffy dirty carpet. Making her have to use her body weight more to open it all the way.

Listening closely to the quietness her voice cracked slightly as she called out, "May?"

Hearing nothing in return she held onto the hallway's wall as she stepped over the hole in the floor. The old structure making loud sequels and creaks as she looked into her old room. Dust flew through the air almost untouched as she continued down the hallway.

Gulping as she peered at the ajar door at the end she pushed it open roughly and waited for something to happen.

When nothing did, she stuck her head in and froze seeing the scene on the bed.

All Natalia could do was cover her mouth and stare at the body laying covered in blood. His pants pulled down slightly.

Walking in slowly the blonde grabbed onto the wall from her shaking, "May?" Looking around she went to the other side of the bed where her lover sat on the floor looking down, her hands dripping blood onto the gun under her knees. "Baby are you hurt?" Dropping down she pulled her head up and ran her hand over her body trying to see if any of the blood was hers.

Stopping as the brown eyes met hers they stared at each other for a minute in silence.

"I killed him." She whispered looking back down

"No you didn't baby..." Natalia grabbed her face with her now red hands and made her look up again. "It's ok I'm here." Studying the emptiness that stared back at her the older woman got up and grabbed the gun. "Everything's ok we just need to-" looking down at the mans face she clenched her jaw seeing who it was, her old friend from school, Reggie laying with his eyes still open. "Was he still on his shift?"

The brunette shook her head as she stared at the blood that transferred from her hands to her legs.

"Ok-" Nat whispered feeling herself start to sweat. "Ok...ok" Going into the bathroom she turned the rusty shower on and grabbed some soap. "Where are your parents?" Not hearing a response she went back into the room and picked her up. "Where is everyone else May?"

Wrapping her arms around her she shook her head to say she didn't know, tears running down her face.

"Ok." Putting her under the water she used the soap and frantically started washing the girl down. The red stained water running down the drain. Taking off her clothes Nat put all of it into a plastic bag and started stripping parts of herself that had blood on her. "You don't have time to dry." Bringing her some clothes from her old room she dressed her as quicklime as possible. And carried her to the hallway where she sat her down. Her clothes soaking up the water that danced on her skin.

Getting on her knees Nat wiped her tears away, "Listen to me closely May, I'm going to ask you some questions and you have to answer me."

The girl nodded.

"Did he have sex with you?"

"Just my mouth."

Trying to keep her cool the blonde wiped the sweat off her forehead with her arm, "ok." Squeezing her shoulders slightly she bit her lip in thought. "No one else was here?"

"They left when they heard the gunshot."

"Who's gun is it?"

"His." She looked at the door knowing what was hidden inside. "He had the gun to my head so I wouldn't bite."


May took a raspy breathe, "Why are you helping me? I killed him." She almost became frantic as she said those words out loud. "I killed him Nat."

Holding her down the older woman decided she had to be a little rough and covered her mouth before she could start crying loudly. "May I love you, but you have to shut up." Her blue eyes became serious so May listened letting her tears flow down quietly. "You have to do everything I say do you understand me?"

She nodded slightly and closed her eyes as She woman's grip stayed in place.

"We need to clean the gun and put his fingerprints on them." She leaned her head against the hand covering Mays mouth as she tried to think. "Did your parents do drugs?"

She nodded again.

Letting go off her Nat leaned back. "This case looks bad against your parents." Getting up she grabbed the gun.

Following her May went in front of her, "I can't let someone else go to jail for what I did Natalia." In that moment May wasn't sure what The blonde was thinking. She almost looked like she wanted to slap her. Her arm almost coming up. She stood still though looking at her blue eyes. May knew she wouldn't hurt her, she was angry for good reasons but it all came from worry. May knew the difference. "That's not right Nat." She whispered.

"I understand that you're a good person." Nat responded shifting her tense body weight. "But right now you don't have a choice."

"You can't-"

"Shut up." Grabbing Mays arm she brought her closer. "You don't have a choice." Nat repeated a little slower.

The shorter girl wanted to argue as she tried pulling away but the blonde wouldn't let her.

"I'm not going to loose you. Even if you end up hating me in the process." Natalia whispered bringing her close to her and hugging her wet outfit.

Giving in and hugging her back the young girl almost didn't want to let go as Nat pulled away to run around the house and do a few more things. All May could do was stand there...stand there and watch her boss and lover help her cover up a murder.


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