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Holding her breathe Natalia laid perfectly still trying not to move too much. The girl beside her turned slowly under the layers of blankets getting slightly closer. She could feel her fingers graze her arm and all she could do was let her eyes look up at the darkness.

Her legs felt the younger girl's feet move up so she would curl and Natalia opened her mouth slightly trying to breathe. A part of her wanted to try and fall asleep with her. See what happens but the other part of her told her no. She didn't know what she would do if she gave in, would she kiss the sleeping girl? Would she pull her closer without her knowing?

She didn't want to do anything like that because of how sensitive she was. She didn't want to scare her.

Raising her arm up to lay on her own chest she felt her heart rate rise and her neck get tense as she looked over at only a black outline of May. Taking the covers off of herself Natalia bit her lip trying to be as quite as possible. She needed to get a drink of water... cool down and think things through.

Tippy toeing she poured herself a glass and walked to the living room where her window was. Opening it slightly with the turn of the knob the moonlight flooded in showing her the raindrops that fell on the window. The spring rain falling down like her own tears wanted to.

Hearing the floor creek Natalia turned her head to see the brunette walk over slowly. She didn't say anything as she took the glass from Natalia and took a small sip.

The blonde watched the shadows from the raindrops reflect on her face as she stared at her.

Both girls gazed at each other's structure as the wind picked up outside and the raindrops came down harder.

Stepping forward May let her face look up at the older woman, their lips only an inch apart. she almost taunted the woman to try.

Natalia let her eyes search the girl's lips aggressively trying to stop herself from giving in to what she wanted. She breathed harder and let her hand come up to grasp the girl's cheek. May stayed calm as she waited to see what would happen next, while Natalia's breathes became raspy and deep. Finally their eyes met each other and their lips came forward.

Softly at first like the first stroke of a paint brush on a new canvas.

But then as they tasted each other and Natalia realized she had failed at keeping her urges in check she brought up her other hand and held the girl's face close to hers.

Their lips crashing together like the rain outside crashed on the pavement.

Even then Natalia's eyes couldn't stop a tear from running down her cheek as she turned the girl to lean on the window.

The lighting flashing like a camera going off as their bodies pushed together.

The glass that once was sitting in Mays hand fell to the ground shattering and letting the water leak between the floorboards as she let her arms go behind herself to keep them both steady.

Finally breaking apart slowly Natalia kept her eyes closed and hovered her lips not wanting to break away completely.

Reaching up with her small delicate hand May wiped away the woman's tear and smiled making Natalia's lips turn upwards.

Thunder made the walls shake as it played like a broken record after lighting flashed again. The woman jumped slightly forgetting about the storm.

"Don't kiss me if you are afraid of the thunder." May whispered fluttering her eyelashes.

Leaning forward a little more Natalia nodded knowing what she meant.

Letting their lips touch, They didn't kiss, they didn't make out they just stood with their faces as close as possible. Moving her lips down Natalia felt the girl's skin underneath her as she placed a soft kiss on her neck. May let out a very soft unexpected moan which really drove the older woman crazy. "Fuck May." She whispered bringing her hand up through her hair and kissing her again, Trailing up until she was back at her lips.

Putting her hands down she felt the girl's curves and slowly snuck her hands under her shirt, as she was about to take it off she stopped feeling something odd on the girl's stomach.

Bringing up the shirt she looked at the long scar that went through the majority of her center. "What is this from May?"

The brunette closed her eyes, "A pole, from the car wreck."

"What car wreck May?" She asked gently running her finger along the line.

She cleared her throat, "The one that killed my dad and brother."

The blonde decided she didn't need to ask anymore questions, she got down on her knees and raised her shirt slowly making goose bumps appear on the girl's skin. Kissing the scar Natalia stood back up meeting the girl's lips again. This time the young body meeting her half way. "You said you liked girls Ms. Simmons." May spoke softly kissing the woman in between.

Finally pulling the girl's shirt off the older woman smiled seeing her body almost move distortedly from the rains shadows, highlighting her breasts and darkening her lower stomach. "You don't have to call me Ms. Simmons."

Watching the older woman take her own shirt off the brunette combed her wild hair back, "What do you want me to call you?"

Pushing their bare upper bodies together the two woman gasped slightly feeling the warmth of each other other while also feeling the breeze from the living room fan. "You'll know in just a minute." Pushing the girl's shorts down Natalia clenched her jaw seeing her wear nothing else. "Is this ok?"

May nodded watching the blonde look her up and down. "Are we going to have sex?"

Still breathing roughly Natalia grabbed her arms and brought her closer to her, "Do you want to?"

"I've never liked it." The young girl admitted feeling fingernails run down her back softly and rest at her arch.

"Have you ever made love then?" Natalia asked her hands almost shaking from her having to hold back her passion.

She shook her head.

Taking the young girl's hands Natalia nodded and started pulling her away from the window, walking backwards she let her breathe that she had been holding on go as she led them back to the bedroom and closed the door.


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