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Pouring herself a steaming cup of coffee the blonde tried ignoring the many voices of her employees. They talked amongst one another waiting for the meeting to start but she just had to wake herself up before getting up at the front and answering the stupidest of questions.

She had smart employees but sometimes they weren't all there. It was like talking to a room full of elementary kids that refuse to go to college.

Blowing slowly she let her blue eyes leave her cup and look up at the brunette beauty that walked in with sleepy eyes.

After pushing through everyone she found a spot at the very back and leaned on the corner. After her eyes searched the heads she caught the blue eyes and smiled seeing her boss blush lightly.

Biting her lip Natalia tried not to smile to big and make herself look like an idiot so she looked away and watched the few bubbles that foamed from her jet black cup of joe. Biting the inside of her mouth she remembered the last few days.

She had had the greatest Saturday with the girl, they went and ate and she took her to a store that sold expensive art supplies, May of course refused to pick anything out but she had bought some stuff secretly for her. She was thinking of wrapping it for her, giving it to her as a gift but what that too creepy? They weren't even techniwually seeing each other were they? They didn't even get to have sex. They just made out...a lot.

She wished she had more time to be with her, but May had insisted on going back home that night.

She understood where she was coming from but it really made her nervous.

Especially when hadn't heard from her since that Saturday. So to see her beautiful face try to wake up really made her heart do a flip.

"You look tired Nat." Dylan laughed chewing his gum obnoxiously, "What were you doing this weekend?" He wiggled his eyebrows just trying to cause trouble.

Walking up front and putting her cup on the front table, she tried to keep her eyes down so she wouldn't have to answer his questions.

She cleared her throat to advise everyone she was ready to start. "The night crew last night wasn't able to finish all of the inventory so I need a lot of help today stocking certain sections. Also cooperate sent this to me this morning, they wanted to remind us that-"

Pausing and re-reading the older woman cleared her throat again.

"The store opens in like ten minutes Nat." Dylan raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms.

"Right." She smiled putting the file down. "Cooperate wants to remind us of employee relationships and how we should refrain from relationships in the work place."

"Is that like a rule?" A girl in the back asked twirling her hair, "because like that's kind of shit."

Pointing at the young high school girl she laughed awkwardly, "It's not advised Sasha."


"Well-" she linked her fingers together and looked at the ceiling trying to think of a good reason, "It could cause friction in the work place and and make you inclined to not-work as hard."

"Why are you so uncomfortable?" Beverley asked chewing her banana slowly. The old woman fixed her readers and sat up straight to speak again, "Are you finally seeing someone?"

Before she could object Dylan nodded, "She had someone over Friday night."

A few of her employees gasped as Natalia rolled her eyes and rubbed her forehead. "My personal life isn't really any of your business-"

"Is it an employee?" The girl from earlier whispered letting her mouth drop.

"That would make sense." Beverley folded her peel over. "She's never this on edge."

"Was the sex not good?"

"We didn't have sex alright!" Natalia held her hands out trying to get them to stop talking.

"She didn't deny it was an employee." Dylan squinted his eyes and smiled.

"Oh god." Natalia whispered throwing her head on the desk embarrassed.

"Is it Mark?" Sasha asked looking over at the boy who played on his phone judgmentally. 

"I thought she was a lesbian." Beverley admitted patting her own knee and nodding.

"BEVERLY!" The blonde whined looking at her with wide eyes.

"THATS why you didn't want to go on a date with me." Dylan smiled brightly, "I knew it wasn't me. I am a delight to be around."

"You smell like weed and Doritos dude." Mark whispered.

"Is it Beverley?" Sasha leaned back in her seat shocked. "That's kinky."

The group of employees nodded.

"It's not me, but if you want to I can talk to my husband, after thirty three years a little change can be fun."  Beverley leaned forward and gave a sly wink.

Holding her hands up Natalia shook her head "I'm leaving and if this is brought up again I'm going to write every single one of you up!" Grabbing her folder and her cup of coffee the blonde stormed out leaving her employees to look around at each other with wide eyes and hidden smiles.

"Whoever is fucking the boss needs to finish because she's cranky." Dylan got up pushing his chair in. "May you're on cart duty outside today. I can't do it because I have some investigating to do."

Smiling the quite girl slipped out of break room with nothing more than a few eyes even noticing she was gone. Walking into the bright empty store she looked over at Natalia who turned the key to turn on the automatic doors.

Standing beside her as the doors slowly started sliding open May smiled knowing her blue eyes were looking at her. "Thank you." She winked at the woman and started walking out before stopping. "Should I be worried about Beverley?"

Squinting her eyes the blonde watched the shorter girl walk into the parking lot. "Very funny!" Mumbling to herself she had to peel her eyes away so she could get back to work.


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