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Laying her head down in her arms May looked underneath the couch as the woman's heels clicked throughout the kitchen. Crawling up slowly so she could see more May smiled slightly looked at the back of Natalia, her blonde hair whipping around as she stirred whatever was in the pan.

Closing her eyes she took in the smells of the apartment, the summer candle that sat up by the keys and the home cooked meals that flowed through the vents. It was like being in home that she always dreamed of, except it was different than she imagined.

She was grown and it was with a woman that looked at her romantically. A beautiful woman that stayed calm even when she couldn't, a strong woman who people looked up to, a smart woman who took her problems as her own. She didn't think people like that even existed.

"Do you want to try a bite?" Natalia asked not even looking back.

Raising her head curiously May wondered how the woman even knew she was watching her.

Getting up slowly she tip toed to the kitchen where Hank already sat waiting hoping to get a taste of any mess he needed to clean up.

Taking a fork Natalia poked a piece of the the chicken that was sizzling in the oils and put her hand underneath so it wouldn't drip. She blew on it for a few seconds before she brought it to Mays mouth. "It's just a stir fry, I hope you like it."

Chewing the younger girl smiled, "It's really good Nat."

Throwing the bell peppers into the mix the blonde winked, "I watched cooking shows on the weekends because I used to not have a life."

"But you have one now?"

"You keep me busy I suppose." Nat looked over at the smiling girl. "Are you ok?"

Walking out of the kitchen slowly the young girl shrugged, "I'm sorry for freaking out." Sighing and laying down on the floor again the brunette looked up at the ceiling, "Sometimes I just can't control it."

Hearing the woman set down the made plates on the coffee table May smiled seeing her step over her with her hands on her hips, "It's ok, you just don't know how to channel your feelings."

"You don't either."

"What?" The blonde laughed and laid down beside her. "I grew up in the Suburbs with three siblings and parents that cared too much."

"I mean with sex." May turned her head to stare at the woman who furrowed her brows and looked back at her. "You're so passionate but you have a hard time channeling it into actual sex."

Sighing the blonde rolled on top of the girl and hovered slightly, "You're right I am passionate. I've never felt like this before."

"You've never-"

"No I have." Nat smiled and studied the girl's curious face, "Quite a bit actually...I've just never-" she shook her head and looked down at her chest trying to think of what to say, "Never like this." Running her fingertips along the young girl's collar bone she sighed, "and I feel this way with you, but I know what you've been through and I get really scared of hurting you."

"I'm not scared." May whispered brushing the blondes hair with her fingers. "Not with you."

Smiling Nat bit her lip and studied the girl's face, she had a few faint freckles on her nose and her brown eyes had little specks of burnt orange. Natalia often saw hundreds of people in one day, and she had to be nice to every single one of them, but May had such an original and beautiful face that she couldn't believe she was even able to talk to her, let alone get to know her so well. She often would wonder if she was dreaming.

She was getting older, you could see it in her face, and her only accomplishments were being promoted manager whereas her siblings all had "professional" jobs. What did May see in her? Whatever she did to trick her worked she guessed.

Pulling her out of her thoughts The young girl lifted her head up and let their lips meet together. Shocking the woman as she kissed her back and wrapped her arms around her.

"If someone knocks on the door...don't answer." May whispered.

Nodding the older woman pulled Mays shirt and bra up, not even taking the time to take her clothes all the way off. She let her kisses shower over the girl's upper body while taking off Mays pants. She wanted it to be smooth and sexy but the way her own heart was beating Nat laughed knowing she was a shaky mess. May was right, her passion was uncontrollable.

The girl knew it too, she smiled as the older woman tried unbuttoning the jeans. Slipping every once in a while.

Helping her out May unbuttoned the jeans for her and watched the woman's eyes roll as she slipped them off.

In that moment she didn't wait any longer. She touched the warmth between her legs making the girl gasp and reach up to grab the coffee tables legs. She was so glad she did that because May's eyes opened wide when she felt something she never felt before. A tongue that started at her stomach and find its way down to where her fingers use to be.

Nat moaned into her and wrapped her arms around her legs to pull her closer. She didn't even have to look up at the girl's face to see if it was good, she could hear it.

In the moment May was so happy the woman was so passionate, because the wait made her so so good. She couldn't even stay still, it was nothing like the sex she had had before. It actually felt good for her. Felt amazing actually.

The older woman enjoyed herself as well, reaching up grabbing the girl's raised bra to steady herself.

Giving the girl a break Nat wiped her mouth and let her fingers go on a journey until she found where she needed to go, sticking her fingers inside she pulled out and started taking off her own clothes leaving the girl to breathe roughly. Once she was completely nude the woman laid her body on top of her and grinded herself on Mays leg as she stuck her fingers back inside.

Their moans humming along with one another until their bodies seizing up almost simultaneously. Their hands grabbing at each other and their twitching members flooding with relief.

Catching herself before she fell on top of May, Nat let her body slowly come down as she buried her face in her neck and breathed heavily.

They couldn't even talk from the shortness of breathe they both faced.

"I imagine everyone at work will want to thank me."

Laughing Nat nodded not even trying to deny her words.


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