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Sitting in her office Natalia stared out the door and into the hallway. Her eyes only moving when Dylan walked in and plopped down in the seat in front of her. "A couple of us are going to the bar if you'd like to come, you need to leave this office for once." He spoke playing with rubber on his shoe.

Clearing her throat the blonde smiled as the rest of her employees walked by to go home. "I think I'll pass."

"You pass every time Nat, come on."

Letting her head lay in the palm of her hand she clicked a program open. Her employee was never shy at asking her to go out but she never saw him in that way. He was a sweet guy who was close to her age but their personalities clashed. He was a rude man who liked partying and smoking weed. That wasn't her and she wasn't all that thrilled to see the man bun that sat on his head.

She simply wasn't attracted to him, she wasn't attracted to many people sadly. She never went out of her way for others except her newest employee May. She didn't know why, but she was different.

"Nat?" Dylan laughed, "Where is your head at right now?"

Sitting back up Natalia realized he was still talking. "Just thinking." Squinting her eyes at computer, she scrolled down before furrowing her eyebrows seeing all the names that clicked out of work, "Did May leave already?"

"Hell if I know. During break she asked if she could use a roll of that old paper and I said go for it." He scratched his beard. "Haven't heard from her since."

Nodding the blonde started putting up her stuff.

"So you going with us?"

"No, I'm going home."

Dylan rolled his eyes, "See you tomorrow then."

Watching him leave Natalia gave a sigh of relief. She grabbed her purse and locked her office before walking through the completely empty store. Her heels echoing through the aisles as she went through the back doors that led to the warehouse. "May?" She called out looking around. She imagined the girl probably forgot to clock out and had slipped past unnoticed but she had to be sure.

Hearing nothing she walked forward slowly seeing the back corner lit up. Tilting her head she watched May crouch over the large roll of paper, its length stretched out at least four feet, her body having to crawl on top to reach some areas. Holding her purse tightly Natalia studied what her pen drew, it took a minute for her to comprehend but when she realized her eyes went wide.

An entire aisle of the store was copied onto the paper with a simple pen. The style was scratchy and so realistic that it literally took her breathe away. Taking another step forward she covered her mouth watching the brown headed girl never look up. It was like she was in a trance. Unable to stop what she was doing or notice that someone else was in the room with her.

It took Natalia a full minute before she was able to say anything and even then all she could muster was a quite "wow."

Becoming frightened May pushed herself back and into the corner holding her hand over her head, "I'm sorry!"

Dropping to her knees from being scared herself Natalia shushed the girl that tried to get as far away as possible. "Sweetie it's ok, I'm not mad." She put her hands up to show she wasn't doing anything, "Everything is ok..." she whispered taking a deep breathe and covering her heart that felt like it was about to pop out of her chest.

May still stayed curled up in the corner, the pen in her hand never leave as her grip only tightened on it.

Crawling toward her a few inches the older woman set her purse down, "May, this is beautiful." She licked her lips and smiled weakly, "Did you do this yourself?"

Still shaking May opened her eyes and looked over at the older woman who sat on her knees.

"I'm not mad May." She repeated pushing her loose hair behind her ear. "You can come here."

May unraveled herself slowly but still stayed in her corner, looking down at the red mark on her hand from clutching the pen so tightly.

"Are you finished with it?" Natalia asked sitting criss crossed.

May shook her head lightly and dropped the pen letting it roll and hit the other woman. 

Natalia nodded looking from the drawing and studying the girl's face. Her heart broke in two seeing the fear still plastered on her. "Why would I be mad?" She asked softly. When the girl didn't respond she scooted herself just a sliver closer to see her response, luckily May didn't notice. "Can you look at me sweetie?"

Blinking a few times May did as she was asked and looked up at the older woman. Their eyes still not meeting.

Smiling slightly Natalia nodded to show her thanks and stared the big brown eyes that looked everywhere else. She wanted to lunge forward and give her a large hug but she imagined that wouldn't go well. Picking up the pen she leaned forward and held her hand out.

The silence from the warehouse really leaked through as May stared at the soft palm.

"Take it sweetie. Finish what you started."

Using her fingers so she wouldn't touch the woman too much the brunette clicked the pen and turned back towards the paper.

Watching her The older woman smiled seeing her petite hand fly across the paper once again, like lovers who were apart for too long.

She decided talking wasn't what she should do so she got comfortable on the dirty cement floor and and let her lips curl up as she watched her.

Mays eyes darting everywhere as she went back into her trance.

Taking a deep breathe Natalia tried not getting to emotional. She was heartbroken.

This young girl who was so beautiful...so talented.. was so afraid. But why? Who hurt her so much that a raise of a hand had her hit the floor? And what did they do?


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