12am thought

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I don't know if I can ever truly love someone in any sense of the way. I can say "I love you" to people that are close to me, but the words feel hollow and distant, lacking a true significance. I've lost those that were close to me, yet it felt as if I was already detached from what should have been felt. I'm not sure if my bpd causes me to feel emotional and affective detachment from people I care about as a way to cope with the fear of abandonment. I know that I'm capable of expressing and feeling love. After all, I've gotten  my heart broken many times, yet I keep the pieces together and continue to care for those close to me. Furthermore, I am affectionate with a select few that hold a special place in my heart.

I am ok with being alone, it's just the loneliness that I cannot stand.

I may be damaged, but I'm not broken.

I am a whole, not a fraction.

June 21st, 2019

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