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"I think I'm gonna be sick" was the first thing Yachi heard Hinata said the moment they got off the bus, Tanaka and Nishinoya were frantically looking for a paper bag as Kageyama yelled at him not to hurl. Their upperclassmen just looked at them in amusement, mostly Sugawara.

Yachi and Kiyoko helped Daichi unload their belongings from the bus and stacked it in a pile, While Takeda Sensei and Coach Ukai greeted the Nekoma's coach.

"Oho oho, Nice to see you back again, Karasuno" The familiar voice of Kuroo reached Yachi's hearing, making her freeze for a second, Daichi turned to greet the other team. Yachi on the other hand refused to face them and kept her head down.

"Yachi-chan?" Kiyoko looked at her, a bit worried, seeing the girl turn red.

"You look a bit sick" Kiyoko softly said as she placed a head on the girl's back. Yachi shook her head.

"I'm fine, Kiyoko senpai " she warily smiled, cheeks still red.

"Ne, Yachi-San looks a bit sick" Nishinoya noted as he looked at Yachi's face. Yachi took a step back and waved her hands.

"I-I am a-alright" she stuttered. Kiyoko walked towards her and held her arm, looking at her with concern.

"The little crow must be tired from the trip." she heard Kuroo say, making her flush even more. "Why don't you get her inside so she could rest, Nobuyuki could escort you" Kuroo added. Kiyoko nodded and bowed at him before pulling Yachi with her, following a boy up the stairs.

"Do you need medicine? Or water?" the boy-Nobuyuki asked them, Kiyoko shook her head. "Thank you very much, Yachi-chan would probably need to just rest." Kiyoko told him, the boy nodded with a smile as he led them to the school building.

Nobuyuki led them to the room that they would be using, they are sharing with Nekoma's volleyball club managers.

" Take a rest, don't hesitate to ask us if you guys need anything." and with that, Nobuyuki left them. Kiyoko closed the door then faced Yachi who was averting her gaze away from her. Kiyoko heaved a sigh.

"You could tell me what's wrong, you know." Kiyoko begins, Yachi looks up at her.

"I-I'm embarrassed to say.."she says as she rubbed her arms, Kiyoko offers her gentle smile.

" You could try telling me, I won't judge you, I promise" Kiyoko assures her, Yachi heaves a sigh.

"do you want to quit as manager?" Kiyoko bluntly asked, Yachi was surprised and immedietly said "No! Of course not!", Yachi felt a lot more nervous.

"Then what is it?" Kiyoko asked her.

" Well, I like someone," she begins, Kiyoko seemed interested, she smiled." And? "

" And well , i don't know what to do, it has been bothering me." Yachi continues.

Kiyoko takes a moment to think.

" is it Hinata?" Kiyoko asks, Yachi shook her head no.

" Nishinoya, perhaps?" Kiyoko continues.

"a bit older" Yachi said in a quiet voice, but Kiyoko was near enough to hear her.

"ahh must be Daichi-kun" Kiyoko says. Yachi sighs.

"he's not from karasuno.. He's from Nekoma, it's Kuroo-San" she finally admits.

Kiyoko looked at her, surprised.

"ah, I did not anticipated that you would like him, but it's alright" Kiyoko says. She was a bit surprised at Yachi's answer but never really though ill of it. She walked towards Yachi and embraced her.

"Why don't you tell me all about it?" Kiyoko urge and Yachi felt a lot more relax and glad, now that she has someone to talk about it.

Kiyoko and Yachi sat near the windows and Yachi began her story, starting the day Kuroo first talked to her, to his miniscule teasing and to the moment he gave her a candy. Kiyoko listened as Yachi talked her heart out, it was a cute sight to see Yachi describe her feelings and thoughts about the Volleyball captain.

"Are you going to tell him?" Kiyoko askedin wonder, Yachi looked down at her hands.

"No, I mean, I only knew him a bit and had little interaction, I don't want to make a big deal out of it, but he makes my heart flutter, especially when he calls me little crow, which is a bit weird for some but I don't really mind.. I am also certain he will not see me like how I see him" Yachi pulled her knees to her chest, feeling a bit sad of her reality.

"Well it is your choice, anyway if you are feeling better, do you want to head down and watch them practice?" Kiyoko asked, Yachi just nodded.

"Thank you, Kiyoko-senpai, I appreciate you listening to me" Yachi said.

"no problem" Kiyoko smiled.

The two girls head over to the gym where Karasuno and Nekoma are practicing. Yachi immedietly spots Kuroo, who is busy talking to Tsukishima.

"I am going to go ask if they need anything. " Kiyoko excused herself and walked towards Coach Ukai and Takeda Sensei.

Yachi started to walk towards Hinata, who was stretching in a corner, she took a last glance at Kuroo, who immedietly met her gaze, Yachi froze as Kuroo smiled and waved at her, she just bowed and walked faster towards Hinata.

"you're not playing yet?" she asked Hinata, trying to distract herself for a bit. Hinata looks up at her.

"I'm waiting for kenma, they wanted to use the net to practice blocks, Kenma is going to toss for me since Kageyama is practicing his blocks with Tsukishima" Hinata told her, she just nodded. "can I watch you guys?" she asked

Hinata flashed her a smile, "of course!"

She followed Hinata across the court where Kenma sat, playing video games.

"Let's go, kenma!" Hinata enthusiastically said as he grabbed a ball, Kenma nodded as he hid his gadget in his backpack.

"Kenma is really into Volleyball whenever Hinata is around" Kuroo appeared behind Hinata, Showing a cheeky grin, Yachi slowly turned away to avoid seeing his face.

'don't get distracted' she chanted in her head.

"Heyy, it's the cute manager from Karasuno" he heard him say, she turned to him, trying to keep her straight face and bowed.

"eh, manager-chan is so formal, a hello would do" Kuroo teased. Yachi brought her gaze to him. "h-hello" she stuttered.

"Kuroo! Stop harassing her!" One of his team mates, Yaku, called out, Kuroo turned to his friend.

"I am being friendly!" Kuroo protested, Yaku snorted.

"Not with that perverted face"

Kuroo began to argue with Yaku, their other team mates seemed amused with their little banter, unlike their coach who looked helplessly at them.

Yachi decided to just go back to kiyoko, trying to avoid any interaction with Kuroo. She felt like her heart was gonna burst out of her.

'ehhh, what should I do?' she grimly thought to herself as she made her way to Kiyoko.

"Hello Kiyoko senpai." she mumbled as she took a seat next to her.

"are you alright Yachi-chan?" the concerned girl asked her. Yachi looked like she was going to hurl, who knew that Kuroo had this effect on her.

"I think so, I don't know yet" she hung her head, Kiyoko felt a surge of worry over her.

"Do you want to go home?" Kiyoko asked her in a low voice, Yachi turned to her.

"No, I couldn't do that, I have to help around after all, I can manage. I am really sorry for being a bother." Yachi apologised. Kiyoko patted her head.

"You'll get everything straight, ask me if you need help or someone to talk to"

Yachi felt relieved, Kiyoko was really a goddess, she was very kind and helpful.

"Thank you, senpai" Yachi said.

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