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Kuroo felt his soul die a little as Daichi gave his answer.

"We don't know where she is."

The Karasuno captain shot him a skeptical look before turning to Asahi-who just shrugged.

Kenma had to drag Kuroo before the boy agreed to talk to Yachi, they didn't get to find her on their own so they resorted to one last desperate attempt: Ask her clubmates.

Kuroo and Daichi might have this playful rivalry but they were civil with eachother outside of the game, asking about things is not out of the ordinary, but this certain thing was different and it made him nervous.

Kenma was the one who suggested that they ask him since he was captain and bound to know where the girl was if she was doing any errands.

And since Daichi had no clue where the girl was, Kuroo wanted to kick himself.

What if she was hiding somewhere? Upset and hurt or something?

If Daichi knew about it, he'd be a dead man.

"What do you need with Yacchan, anyway?" Daichi asks him eyes narrowed and eyebrow raised, making the catboy jump from his spot.

Kuroo was trying to come up with an excuse other than 'oh, we had a misunderstanding, I was gonna confess but said something else and I wanna tell her that I made a mistake'

That was certainly not gonna fly.

And also the fact that Daichi might murder him for going after their first year manager.

"Well... I-"

"She left her clipboard and we wanted to return it personally, we also want to thank her for helping us." Kenma answers for him, a straight expression, trying to be cool about it and not reveal their intentions.

Kuroo nods in agreement.


"Too loud, shrimpy"

"WHAT?! Do you wanna fight?!?!"

"You can't even reach my face"

Daichi turns to the two other first years fighting behind him to scold them.

Kuroo and Kenma felt thankful for the intervention.

"Well, We'll tell her when we see her, I have to handle this."  Daichi apologizes to them for the racket before stomping over to break fight.

"Where the heck is she?" Kuroo mutters under his breath before turning to Kenma.

"Hey, Kuroo-san."

Sugawara approaches them and offers a smile with a small wave, the Nekoma boys looked at him and returned the gesture.

"So, why are really looking for Yachi?" there was a glint of mischief in the boy's eyes as he asked, a smirk on his lips as he leaned up to him.

Kuroo choked.

"Well, I see it now. But you better pray to every single God out there if you make her cry" a small and seemingly empty threat matched with a playful grin but nevertheless, It still worked because Kuroo was already praying and recounting all of the bad things he did in his life.

The terrifying look that Sugawara gave him had that effect.


Yachi wipes her face with a towel as she stood infront of the bathroom mirror.

She can't even count how many times she had already washed her face but she still didn't felt relieved and her puffy eyes were still evident.

She sighs and leans towards the sink, looking at her reflection.

She can't come back to Kiyoko and others looking like this.

A thought comes to her mind and she laughs at herself.

This was the second time that she cried during the training camp and it was all because of Kuroo. How silly.


Her smile slowly fades.

He likes Kiyoko and Yachi had already accepted that but it still hurt. She didn't even get to confess and Kiyoko was the one encouraging her! She got indirectly rejected.

Atleast you didn't embarrass yourself infront of him by confessing.

She could imagine Kuroo laughing at her. He'd probably tease her about it too. Kuroo was a tease but he's nice.

She shakes her head. She didn't want to think of Kuroo anymore, they will leave Tokyo and it might be a long time before she sees him again.

Maybe he'll ask her a few questions about Kiyoko's preferences and that's it. Done deal. She doesn't have to see him.

Kuroo is gonna graduate high school and enter Tokyo University or something, he might play volleyball and become a professional,that or some kind of businessman. He might even become a doctor! He was smart, Yachi knew that. Kuroo has a bright future ahead of him and Yachi knows that she's gonna stay far away from Tokyo and become a web designer.

They weren't meant to be. Yachi reminded herself that she was not his type.

She'll get over this stupid crush. She promises herself that. It's not gonna take long.

There are other nice boys.

Like the Karasuno team, a lot of nice people and cool senpais,she's happy that she was part of them, they are very kind to her.

And she was still young so it wasn't necessary for her to dive into a relationship just yet. She has goals! She'll just keep herself preoccupied with other things.

Suddenly she remembered the time and snapped out of her daydream.

The distraction was nice.

"You're gonna pull through this, Hitoka." she tells herself as she fixed her hair.


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