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Yachi hummed a tune as she walked towards Nekoma's gym, a stack of towels in her arms. Kiyoko volunteered to fill the water bottles so Yachi took over with the towel duty. Once inside, she could already hear Coach Ukai yelling at Tanaka and Nishinoya for being troublesome, Yamaguchi was practicing his serve with Suga. Yachi never really thought that in her life she would become a manager for a school sports club. It still felt a bit surreal but whenever the team plays, Yachi feels excitement course through her veins.

She felt odd comfort in this chaos.

She places the stack of towels on a chair near Takeda sensei and sits on a vacant seat.

After a while, Kiyoko sits next to her.

"I heard that Fukorodani would be joining us tomorrow." Kiyoko informs her. Yachi smiled.

"we could finally meet their managers again." Yachi thoughtfully said.

"it would feel a lot nice to have other girls around. " Kiyoko calmly says.

Yachi turned her gaze to the court, Kuroo had captured her attention once more without even trying. She watched the boy with intent, she felt her inside turn mellow at the sight of Kuroo playing volleyball.

Kuroo blocked the ball that Hinata was spiking, she witnessed him grin, his eyes twinkling.

A few moments later, Yachi turned away and heaved a sigh.

As if he'd look at me like that, what a joke.

After practice, Kiyoko volunteered to help Hinata and Kageyama clean the floor. Yachi began to collect their bottles when Kuroo approached her.

"hello" he greeted, Yachi jumped a bit and began to feel flustered just seeing Kuroo this near.

"sorry to startle you, I was just going to grab my bottle" Kuroo said, Pointing at a bottle in front of the girl. Yachi turned her gaze to the red water bottle in front of her and handed it to Kuroo with shaky hands.

"thanks, crow-chan !" Kuroo flashed her his playful grin. Yachi was unable to speak, she ended up stuttering.

"I-I uhh.. Yeah"

Kuroo patted her head before joining Kenma and Lev, who were standing by the door.

Yachi felt more heat rise up her cheeks as her hand made it's way on top of her head, where Kuroo patted her.

She was internally screaming.

'he-he patted me! Kyahh'

Yachi just shook her head and continued to clean up, with her heart beating loudly against her chest and her thoughts screaming. Yachi tried her very best to remain calm.

"you ready to go?"

Yachi jumped and lets out a squeek, turning to only see Kiyoko looking at her in a strange way.

"you're flustered again" the bespectacled girl bluntly points at Yachi's face.

The blonde felt a lot more embarrassed.

"Kiyoko senpai~~" She whines with her head hung low.



During dinner, Yachi was a lot more quiet than usual, she spent most of her time picking at her food or stealing glances at Kuroo, who sat with his friends in another table, cracking jokes and laughing.

'He's so carefree and confident' Yachi sighs. Kiyoko hears this and looks at Yachi.

"You haven't finish your food yet" Kiyoko says.

"Sorry, I'm still a bit out of it."

"understandable," Kiyoko says then takes a sip of water, "But you have to pull your thoughts together, i am starting to think that this is not healthy for you. You are too distracted." she tells her.

"Then what should I do?"

"How should I know, I haven't experienced liking someone that much or get distracted by it, like I said before, it's up to you."

Yachi takes a glance at Kuroo once again before she finally started to focus on her meal.

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