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I almost spoiled some S4 stuff.. But I remembered to change it all.. Soo its safe haha.

This is a kinda long filler thing(?).. I think.. dunno



Kuroo Tetsuro was a dedicated person, a lot of people knew that. It was an admirable part of him, how he would strive his best in his studies and put a lot of effort in the sport in loves. He was the type that you would probably look up to and he was the kind of person your parents would probably compare you to (well that is, of course, if they didn't know about his wacky side.. But still.)

He was smart, cunning, and well,charming.

But he was also stubborn. Very, very stubborn

And sometimes, the combination of these traits brought misery to others, his teammates specifically.

A month after the eventful training camp, Kuroo didn't try to reach out to Yachi even if he had her contact. He thinks that it was unappropriate given his mistake and it was probably better to see her in person to talk, he spent many nights staring at her info in his list, having way too many drafts about meeting but was too scared to make a move to hit send.

True that the month prior he gave up but one morning he woke up and decided to turn back on his words.

Yaku almost died that very morning (read: stress).

But the libero decided that hitting Kuroo with a rolled test paper over the head was a better idea.

Then one day, he recieved a message from the girl. Yachi Hitoka had suddenly sent a message out of the blue. Telling him that Kiyoko Shimizu liked the strawberry flavored kind of cake.

Kuroo didn't really cared for the contents of that message. A feeling stirred and they began to exchange small and inconsistent messages at random times and that's where he started to get ideas and became difficult and weird, there were times when Kuroo's teammates wanted to shove him into a closet and forget about him-most valued player or not- they didn't care, especially when he gets into shenanigans and ideas thay would probably kill him or worse-expel him.

Like that instance where he overheard one of his classmates, Akechi Kou-a basketball player- was talking about a trip with the basketball team to Sendai.

So Kuroo had approached the boy that afternoon and asked him if they could secretly take him with them and drop him off in the city.

This obviously did not go well with Kenma and the Akechi boy looked at Kuroo as if he was crazy. Because, why not? Smuggling a classmate to another city without the administration knowing was bad enough as it is and! Why can't this dude just take the train? Coach Nekomata would murder the entire basketball team if they took Kuroo with them.

And that time where Kuroo had planned to go to Miyagi because they had the afternoon off and there was no training.

Yaku, Kenma, and Kai had to hold him off and follow him home to make sure he didn't run off to the station.

There was also this instance where Kuroo tried charming his way with the captain of the girl's baseball team, in hopes that they would let him come along to their team building thing near Sendai.

But his intentions of hijacking the trip was short-lived since the captain knew the real reason why the boy wanted to come.

Hiyori kicked Kuroo's butt back to the volleyball gym and had a good talk with their vice captain.

Kuroo was lucky nobody had the guts to tell their coach what happened and if the old man found out, Kuroo was good as dead and the others would probably suffer too. No one wanted that.

Yaku would've thought that he gave up, but obviously he underestimated the captain's will and stubbornness. They all thought that he was going to be sensible and logical given his smart nature.

They got a headache instead. Kai told him to just finally text her to meet up as an alternative, rather than havng half-baked plans, trying to get ideas about cutting classes and running off to another prefecture in the middle of the week. Tora had scoffed at his senpai and told him to do it on a weekend and take a damn train like a normal person. "Teenagers are dumb" he said.

But of course the others didn't think that Kuroo going to Miyagi was a good idea, they kept reminding him of the variables, it wasn't that they didn't want him to pursue a relationship.

They just didn't think having a long distance girlfriend would work and besides, what if it won't end well. What if things don't go all happy ever after? Nobody was sure of what would happen but they weren't really interested in finding out the results.

It took a lot of persuasion and badgering. A lot of reasoning and extra distraction, even kept bringing up the Nationals to keep him straight and focused on the goal.

And Kuroo had given in after all the attempts and the texts had stopped, Nationals was important and so was his grades if he wanted to attend his desired university.

But when Nationals came and he saw Yachi Hitoka in the same stadium, he felt all kinds of emotion. He wanted to run towards her and pull her into a corner and explain. But that didn't happen (and his teammates are kinda relieved for that). He turned away and focused on playing instead. Volleyball was the most important thing to him at that moment.

Months passed and they graduated, Kenma was kinda glad that he didn't have to put up with anymore of Kuroo's shist but was also kinda sad that they won't be spending a lot of time together anymore. Kuroo went to college and things were doing alright for him. He focused on doing his best to get top marks, made lots of friends, and still played volleyball. Memories of Yachi was shoved at the back of his mind, being covered by boxes and boxes of thoughts, goals, new dreams and aspiration. He had finally thought that it was over and it turned out to be some fleeting feeling.

But then, one day Kenma had sent him a message with a picture attached and Kuroo's world rocked a bit.

The picture had Lev smiling up front, sitting on the grass-obviously the one taking the selfie- Kenma was eating a melon behind the taller boy while sitting next to Hinata and beside the tangerine head was Yachi Hitoka, standing and smiling for the picture-holding a tray of watermelon. Her short hair was tied in a short ponytail and smile bright as ever.

"they missed you, they send their regards." the text read.

He made a decision.

By the next week, on a friday. He bought a train ticket.

It took him around a year and a half. But it was better late than never.




We are almost done hahahaha
will probs publish the Epilogue later or tomorrow....

Its been nice <3

See ya in the next one!

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